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  1. Dead Winter

    The new Opeth sounds fucking amazing

    Ignore the first minute or so of prog faggotry they need to drop altogether because they suck at it. The rest is sublime. There's SO much Badmotorfinger in this song.
  2. Dead Winter

    New Voltron series

    Anyone else stoked about this besides me? The only thing I love more than Voltron is Star Wars...I really, really like the new rendition.
  3. Dead Winter

    New Novembre video album teaser

    Sounds great. Giuseppe's playing drums for The Foreshadowing now, so Novembre replaced him with another drummer. I was worried until I heard this, because Beppe's style was such an integral part of their style with them being brothers and all, but I really like this.
  4. Dead Winter

    Metallica reissues KEA and RTL

    This is something I've been asking for for years, actually. I've been hoping for a remastering of the first four albums for a long, long time. I hope these two are only the beginning.
  5. Dead Winter

    The Expanse

    Best sci-fi series since ever. I can't believe it's on Syfy; it feels more like a Netflix show. The production is Tony Scott-level. They just renewed it for season 2 and we're only 4 episodes into season 1.
  6. Dead Winter

    Shower with your Dad Simulator

  7. Dead Winter


  8. Dead Winter

    New Beck album

    Absolutely beautiful. I never liked Beck aside from literally one or two songs, but his new album is such a departure from himself and is so bloody epic. It's mostly acoustic with big, lush string sections and amazing harmonies. This is his capolavoro or meisterwerk or magnum opus or whatever...
  9. Dead Winter

    I had a dream Warrel released a new solo album

    Please let it be a premonition. :)
  10. Dead Winter


    Thoughts on this? My opinion: will the West ever learn?
  11. Dead Winter

    I have to change my name now

    Because some faggoty deathcore band stole it.
  12. Dead Winter

    A doomier, catchier Mastodon

    I approve and I like em more.
  13. Dead Winter

    Duncan's looking for another guitarist...

    So a very dear friend of mine happens to be very good friends with Duncan Patterson (Anathema, Alternative 4, Antimatter) and she keeps pushing me to try out as she's thrown my name in the hat, but I don't think I'm the right person for the job. I've never played at that level before. Aside...
  14. Dead Winter

    Ghost (Ghost BC in the states) new single *NSFW*

    Holy hell, why am I just stumbling upon this retro/doom/heavy metal band? I love this!
  15. Dead Winter

    The Fall of Every Season - Amends

    Great, great album. I still think the first album is a better, albeit less shiny album, but don't miss out on this. The first album was a bit doomier and much more melancholic, whereas this new one is more modern-sounding, a bit less doomy, and almost has a melodic death metal sound to it, a...
  16. Dead Winter

    Just got back from the states

    Went back home to Louisiana for a couple of weeks, and black people are more ghetto, rednecks are more rednecky, and everyone is fucking addicted to their smartphone. It's probable that it's just the south but it's still sad. There are no more southerners, just rednecks. Saw very few...
  17. Dead Winter

    Old folks' music that you love

    I've always loved Marty Robbins and his harmonies.
  18. Dead Winter

    Adventure Time

    Love this show. It's fucking weird as hell.
  19. Dead Winter

    Supreme Court upholds health care law

    All of it. It's about time someone in the government pulled their heads out of their ass and joined the 19th century.
  20. Dead Winter

    Oh noes, the sky is falling in Europe!!!!!

    Hai guise, am I the only one living in Europe who feels rather unaffected by the "crisis"? This is a question for Europeans living in Europe. Has your quality of life been severely impacted by the crisis like the media seems to be going on about incessantly? Honestly, I'm not seeing it...