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  1. Finpower

    First Finnish Metal Band

    Hard Rock Sallinen formed in Kauhava 1975..
  2. Finpower

    Church of the dead

    New Finnish death metal band formed april 2012..
  3. Finpower

    Cannibal Accident
  4. Finpower

    The number one page for information about Finnish Melodic Metal!! This page is run by
  5. Finpower

    Band like a CoB

    Wich band is most like a bodom here's my opinion.
  6. Finpower

    CHILDREN OF BODOM Frontman Rushed To Hospital With 'Extreme Stomach Pain'

    Finnish metallers CHILDREN OF BODOM have released the following statement: "It is with great regret that we are forced to cancel tonight's show in Oslo [Norway] as well as tomorrow night's show in Malmö [Sweden]. "Alexi [Laiho, guitar/vocals] was rushed to the Oslo hospital earlier this...
  7. Finpower

    Best thing in your own country..

    Here's a true Legend.:yow: Uploaded with
  8. Finpower

    Torture killer

    Hi guyz This is a Finnish band called Torture killer from my hometown. My friend plays guitar they also had worked with Chris Barnes from Six feet under/ Cannibal corpse (2005-2008):rock:
  9. Finpower

    R.I.P-Tonmi Lillman

    Finnis drummer From Lordi Tonmi Lillman has passed away. He also played in Kylähullut, Sinergy, To/Die/For, Ajattara R.I.P
  10. Finpower

    Spiefeast at the sea 2012 20v juhlaristeily

    Spiefeast at the sea 2012 20v juhlaristeily Tuollaista pukkaa jälleen tammikuussa pikän tauon jälkeen, onko kukaa lähdössä. Itse meinään lähteä se on must juttu:flame:
  11. Finpower

    R.I.P Peter Steele

    Peter Steele of heavy metal band Type O Negative has died of heart failure at age 48. Steele (born Petrus Ratajczyk), the burly 6'7" bassist and lead vocalist of the Brooklyn goth-metal band, formed Type O in the early '90s after stints in several other groups, including the hardcore act...
  12. Finpower

    Go Finland

    Hope our boys bring golden medal..
  13. Finpower

    Warmen Celebraters 10 Year Anniversary

    21.02.2010 WARMEN, the brainchild of CHILDREN OF BODOM keyboardist Janne Wirman, celebrated its 10-year anniversary with a concert during the Helsinki Metal Meeting weekend on February 18 at Dante's Highlight in Helsinki Finland. The band's third live performance ever included guest...
  14. Finpower


  15. Finpower

    R.I.P -Tenkula

    Sentenced quitarist Miika tenkula is death he was age of 35 Rest in Peace man your music lives on:erk:
  16. Finpower

    Kisa jossa voi voittaa Alexin Suomi design skitta

    Rekisteröidy nyt ja osallistu kisaan onnea kaikille.
  17. Finpower

    Bloody X-Mass and Happy new Year

    Here is a video to u all Bloody Merry X-Mass:Puke:
  18. Finpower

    Craziest bet you've done?

    Heres mine idiot bet one of my friend told me that he give me 200 euros if dare to jack off in middle of city, it was a nighttime and i was wasted like usual so i tryed but the result was just a joke could'n get it hard, and there were loads of ppl passing me and threw smiles at my brave act oh...
  19. Finpower

    Spinefeast At The Sea 2009

    Taas olisi tarkoitus mennä merille rokkaamaan, viimme reissu oli jo niin mannaa että tämä ei voi olla muuta kuin mahtava reissu. Esiintyjät: * Swallow The Sun * Moonsorrow * Rotten Sound * Entwine * Kalmah * Deathlike Silence * Kiuas * April...