Search results

  1. Brave.Archangel

    Discouraged Ones Vs. Last Fair Deal Gone Down

    Lots of people have been posting face off's between bands, so I thought I'd jump in with a face off between two albums... from the same band! ..our beloved Katatonia. I chose these two particular albums as they seem to be the most highly regarded of the clean vocal Katatonia era. Discouraged...
  2. Brave.Archangel

    A fourth album

    Just read on Wikiedia that: "Pre-production for the fourth album will begin in North Carolina in July, 2010." It doesn't look like this has been discussed on this forum yet, so.... Who's as excited as I am?!?!?!:kickass:
  3. Brave.Archangel

    The Daylight Dies Worshiping Thread

    As of late, Daylight Dies have become a very personal band for me. I listen to hundreds of bands from many different genres, and Daylight Dies touches on something few bands do. It is extremely difficult for me to explain. Whenever I feel a wave of unbearable depression, despair, anxiety, fear...
  4. Brave.Archangel

    "Cathedral" tab?

    I'm really interested in learning this song, particularly the acoustic intro... If anyone could tab this, I would greatly appreciate it.. Thank you!!
  5. Brave.Archangel

    New Steven Wilson Solo Album

    Insurgents Sounds amazing... Can't wait
  6. Brave.Archangel

    This must happen

    Someone needs to come out with a good tab for the outro of Burden. I've got like 60% of it but its too teknikal 4 mee to desifur
  7. Brave.Archangel

    By the Pain I see in Others picking question

    ok this is about the fast little acoustic hook that occurs 1:20 in. Can anyone tell me the picking pattern. Alternate picking seems impossible so I was thinking more along the lines of down down up up down down up down down up down down up down up down.. sorry for noob guitar questions... its...
  8. Brave.Archangel

    May 29th Portland, OR show

    Well... I just bought my ticket and I wanted to see (although this forum is seldomly used) if anyone is going to be attending.. It would be awesome to meet up with a fellow like minded Daylight Dies fan and discuss good music and life and such... Jesse, I met you once when you guys toured with...
  9. Brave.Archangel

    Mellotron Heart..

    According to Mikes latest myspace blog, he recorded a version of Porcelain Heart with "mellotrons and moogs"... He said Roadrunner printed a few thousand copies and he's not sure which website you have to order the album to get it... I'm anxious to hear the song but wonder how it can be obtained
  10. Brave.Archangel

    Noob question.. About Camel

    I'm ready to head out and purchase a Camel album due to my fascination with Opeth. Akerfeldt quotes them as a major influence, especially on Damnation. Recommend me a good starting album? Thanks!
  11. Brave.Archangel

    Real Oboes?

    So any confirmation weather or not these are synthesized symphonic arrangements or real instruments (on Porcelian Heart of course, I'm not talking about the album)
  12. Brave.Archangel

    Opening Deilverance Riff Question

    Sorry if this is mundane and repugnant but... if I may inquire the opening riff to deilverance... the 7/8 dissonant one I have a question about the picking is it: UP DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN DOWN -- UP DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN DOWN or just all down? thanks in advance btw if there was a thread...
  13. Brave.Archangel

    Agalloch show March 22nd

    Well perhaps the one favorable thing about living in this dreadful area... (it's actually beautiful i'm just over dramatic) ...agalloch... they're performing on the 22nd at some restaurant... it should be awesome as this is not a band you get to see live every day... if anyone is gonna attend...
  14. Brave.Archangel

    anyone know?

    About any good movies that take place in Stockholm.. I've always been so fascinated with the city, yet i don't know much of it past pictures i've seen... was just wondering...
  15. Brave.Archangel

    "evidence" story?

    This just kinda hit me... is this song about a drug trip?
  16. Brave.Archangel

    old gateways of bereavement performance

    who the hell is on vocals? it sounds kinda like jonas but the vocalist seems to be playing guitar as well...
  17. Brave.Archangel

    acoustic work on morningrise

    I'm sorry I might get bashed for this question. The acoustic work on Morningrise is phenomenal. I started playing guitar about a year ago and I am trying to learn a lot of the acoustic passages. Are most of the played with pick or finger pick? Like the advent interludes and such... Just curious...
  18. Brave.Archangel

    Story behind BMD band photo?

    I dunno I've always been curious as to what exactly is going on in this pic cuz... I don't know. It is so beautiful and I think it illustrates Katatonias music perfectly. Looks like Jonas I think... Not sure... IS there perhaps a story as to his dramatic exit? stupid thread really but maybe it...
  19. Brave.Archangel

    New Opeth album and track titles revealed Watershed combines elements of modern metal, prog rock, free jazz and hints of European folk music, all of which come together for a seamless, unique collection of songs that will leave an indelible mark upon all who listen. Watershed is the...
  20. Brave.Archangel

    recommend me a good distortion pedal?

    I've been playing about a year (mostly acoustic) and I wanna get a good distortion pedal for my crappy stratocaster and marshal amp... I guess it doesnt really matter the type of guitar or amp for now, but I want something that sounds good distortion wise. I'm a big fan of the type of...