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  1. S

    10 favorite christian songs?

    So, I was wondering what kind of stuff you guys listen to other than theocracy, and seeing as I don't care much for non-christian music, lets see what kind of songs that honor god you guys listen to :rock: For me, in no particular order: You may have noticed that I...
  2. S

    Phew, just failed my endurance test..

    I only made it to 7:05 of Laying the Demon to Rest on the drums :goggly: before my arms started getting too tired. Metal drummers must have arms like tree trunks and legs like bridge pylons. If I ever get around to it, I'll post a video of me playing some Theocracy, but LtDtR is hard on the...
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    Hey Matt, curiosity question...

    What happened to the "Death is but transition into life" or whatever part from Martyr? I seem to remember a video of you recording a quite epic choir for that line and if I remember correctly, you said it was "for a song that dated back till shortly after the first album called Martyr" or...
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    So I'm listening to the solo of Absolution Day...

    Dude, this album is AWESOME! I got it today and am listening to it for the first time right now. I only skipped ahead of "On Eagles' Wings" because I already know it inside-out and want to hear the rest of the album. And as I finish this post, the song is ending... Yay, "Writing in the...
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    Question for Matt (concerning first CD)

    First of all, I'd like to say that god has blessed you with your musical talent. I'm really excited for Mirror of Souls. I really liked the first album as well, but it always bothered me that the drumming was kinda, you know, monotonous. Would it be possible for you to supply me the entire...
  6. S

    Looking for some good melodic christian metal

    Hi guys, I'm obviously new here, so a short introduction: I live in switzerland with american parents, both of which are christians. I grew up a christian and still am. Anyway, I've been listening to metal for about a year and a half now, and have been playing drums for over 5. I was wondering...