Search results

  1. False Joe

    I haven't listened to any new metal in over a year. Looking for slam death or anythin

    I kinda dropped off the stuff for a while. I'd still listen to what I had, but I haven't gone searching for anything new in a while. Mainly looking for brutal/slam death, though if there's any just stand out stuff from the other sub genres, throw it at me. Tbh, copy and pasting your top 10...
  2. False Joe

    Happy Festivus

  3. False Joe

    Cookiecutter's Awesome.

    Because he deserves one more than Krampus. Or something.
  4. False Joe

    Billy Mays Dead.

    Probably a joke, seeing as he's the same age as Micheal apparently, but if he's not. FIRST.
  5. False Joe

    The Substational More Awesome Belated Birthday Thread

    Go me. And Whiskey Funeral. And CC. And some other fag who likes llamas or something. And Ross. And anyone who didn't get their own birthday thread. We rule.
  6. False Joe


    HE CARRIES THEM ALL OVER THE TOWN ATLEAST HE TRIES. So my original point. If there really isn't a god, and there is no purpose to life, why don't people just kill themselves upon this realistaiton. i don't because i have music to listen to and games to play and stuff to experience...
  7. False Joe

    Metal I've missed

    Basically, I've been at uni for awhile, kinda stuck with my music I had on me at the time and my collections stagnated. What's new, what's fresh, what's hip and down with the kids yo daddio. Etc. Etc. So yeah, throw me some new metal to check out. I don't mind if it's old bands with new...
  8. False Joe

    NOW WHERE IS YOUR GOD?!. Posters annoy.

    Stephen Green can fuck right off. Not sure if I totally agree with the whole "Hm. Christians are preachy, I know, we should be. Let's join together under our beliefs. That's not hypocritical" thing, but fuck Stephen Green. Source:
  9. False Joe

    Afghan. Needs moar troops.

  10. False Joe

    More of a dick?

    V5 or Dodens? You decide.
  11. False Joe

    Alright twatsacks. Give me some help.

    Doing a RocSoc set tomorrow. Need to cut this playlist down about 10 minutes. Can no longer decide myself. Need to keep Splen, and Roll Deep. And Blind Guardian. Advice pl0x.
  12. False Joe

    Screw miscarriages, don't have the kid in the first place

    Linkages WTF.
  13. False Joe


    Yeah. Recommend some good stuff. Rap wise I like Abdominal, Necro and that's about as far as my thing goes. Like some Run DMC tunes as well. So yeah. Stuff like this is never well represented by the mainstream selection, so gimme so good shizzle.
  14. False Joe

    I feel pretty, oh so pretty... Metal fans officially delicate

    BBC LINK: Click on the link to see the whole list of music/traits.
  15. False Joe

    Interpol Thread

    Interpol are fucking awesome. I'm listening to Wrecking Ball off Our Love to Admire. Discuss.
  16. False Joe

    Fantasy Football (Soccer if you must)

    Don't know if anyone plays, but yeah, if you like the real sort of football, join up, and the join the UM league. Site: League code: 920448-167391 I don't go into the other fantasy football talking shit about yank football, so don't bother with this one.
  17. False Joe


    TBH!!!!!! Thousand years of opression makes me cum.
  18. False Joe

    Jazz/Ska for Beginners

    Looking for some stuff to get a good idea of the genre. You know, like recommending Metallica as opposed to Opeth for someone trying to get into metal.
  19. False Joe

    Slam-death with a good groove

    I don't know if you're just gonna say "ALL SLAM DEATH BANDS HAVE GROOVE FAG" but anyway yeah. Looking for it with tempo changes etc that just makes it into a tune rather than a wall of noise, that puts me off some brutal bands. Cheers. EDIT: Goretrade, or maybe Digested Flesh is an example...