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  1. DE4life

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024 THE's new album is wrapped, we now just await a release date. Produced by Jens Bogren as Fascination Street Studios - the same studio that produced Days of the Lost. Other bands who have recently had albums produced...
  2. DE4life

    Cyhra - The Vertigo Trigger - August 2023

    Cyhra have announced their third album will be out in 2022. No other news yet. When asked if Jesper has written anything for the album the Cyhra account replied "only time will tell " which suggests he'll be involved in some capacity.
  3. DE4life

    In Memoriam: Inactive Posters

    There are a lot of other former posters who have disappeared, particularly around the SC time period. I can't blame them. But still, let's use this topic to send them positive vibes and get them back and posting for the next release. 2022 Update - Only going back to the Battles thread at this...
  4. DE4life

    In Flames lyrics discussion

    Right, since myself and Jester313 were beginning to take the ASOP thread spectacularly off topic I figured I'd just create a thread to discuss lyrics :D perhaps it can also be used for when the SOAPF lyrics are officially released to discuss them. My view on the lyrical merit of the albums...
  5. DE4life

    In Flames to Tour the UK Again in April

    They're coming back sharpish, seemingly not doing any repeat cities from the last tour and playing in VERY small venues... April 15th - Norwich Waterfront April 16th - Colchester Arts Centre April 17th - Brighton Concorde 2 April 18th - Oxford Academy April 19th - Leeds Cockpit April...
  6. DE4life

    Is Dawn of a New Day a response/answer/sequel to Satellites and Astronauts?

    I posted this on the neverdying boards, but since some of you guys don't visit there I figured I'd post it up here too and see what you guys think. Apologies if this has been said before or is generally common knowledge but I've not heard it said before, and as I listened to S&A and Dawn of a...
  7. DE4life

    For those who migrated here from Everdying...

    Or those who are interested in joining a new forum, there's been a new forum set up, , should you be interested in getting back in contact with the everdyers. Not many there at the moment but I imagine it'll grow.