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  1. Jacob Kjær

    Absolutely boring!

    Hello, Everything here on this forum is absolutely boring, and has been so for the last few weeks. How are things doing, Kristian? Richy? Any teasers yet? (A name, a sample, an image, anything!) Or, more directly: Where the hell is the album? Do the fans have to come over and record melodies...
  2. Jacob Kjær

    A work-in-progress Wargods solo tab

    Hey all, Tomorrow I have chemistry lessons at my university (though I am a software engineering student), and I should be reading up for it right now. But, of course I have been busy tabbing instead, because of the wonderful structured procrastination caused by homework brings can make any...
  3. Jacob Kjær

    Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

    Hi Kristian, We haven't heard anything for a while since Ricky's drum blog - how's the album coming along? Any hints on the cover song? Have the neighboors left their homes yet from too much ballsy metal mutilation? How many times did you have to change frets because you wore them down...
  4. Jacob Kjær

    That stupid old tuning question

    Hey Kristian, I decided to give the Death solo a try. It's way beyond my level, but at least I'm figuring out a few things on the run (and it is fun). For example, there's a (slided + string skipped?) D#m arpeggio at the 5:07 mark whose starting-note, D#, is 3 semitones above a 24-band C#...
  5. Jacob Kjær

    Roadrunner Blooper

    big pile of crap, just delete.