Search results

  1. Elliott

    DUSK CULT - New black metal band featuring BE'LAKOR & RAINSHADOW members

    Dusk Cult are a new two-piece black metal band, featuring members from long-standing bands Rainshadow and Be'lakor. Formed in the throes of a global pandemic and fueled by red wine, the group has brought together old friends, seeking to create something new, darker and more extreme than their...
  2. Elliott

    Okera - Australian Melodic Death / Doom Metal

    I'm not sure if there's a rule / policy regarding self-promotion, so here goes... Okera was founded by Jayme in the later months of 2006, purely as a studio side-project. As time went on, the project became more serious, and in mid 2008, the line-up as it is today was completed. We've been...
  3. Elliott

    Plug Thread (Non-Neo gigs)

    There's a thread like this on the Bellygore forumz, so why not here? Post any details about gigs non Neo-related. Who am I kidding? It's just an excuse to flog this: WHITE NOISE PRODUCTIONS PROUDLY PRESENTS: White Noise Productions is proud to present four of Melbourne's best...