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  1. felipesaldes

    My short cover for Awakenings XD

    Hi... hmmm... last night I felt alone, really really alone and... I remembered this song so, I decided to make a cover and... I liked it a lot... it raised my mood c: I feel this song really depressive, a man who is facing himself and life too... and it goes from softer to harder. At the end...
  2. felipesaldes

    Symphony X in South America

    I love this band but some of their latest works have lost originality, inspiration, hard work and passion, in my opinion. So does anyone know the setlist that they'll be doing in South America, or in Chile if possible? Second and less important, are they doing the song "The Odyssey"? (I heard...
  3. felipesaldes

    Eve of Seduction, what a horrible song - Analysis

    First of all, the power metal commercial sound at the beginning... I would have expected this kind of things from Stratovarius, Dragonforce, etc etc... Next (00:20), the riff sounds badass, strong, really cool, but it's there with no reason because the next part (00:34) is another power metal...
  4. felipesaldes

    Paradise Lost not the best album

    I just want to comment on this. I think Paradise Lost has lost some quality in respect to the other Symphony X albums. To me it seems like rushed and non-polished, despite all the years they had to make it. I expected something better. There's not even a long song. I think the only songs that...