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    Film Clip

    Check it out: Metal up! :headbang:
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    Universum members form new project ‘EMPIRE FOR ETERNITY’. Looking forward to hearing more from these guys! Follow them at Metal up! :rock:
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    Mortuus Machina Guitar Tabs

    universum guitar tabs
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    ex-Scar Symmetry vocalist on new Universum (Australia) album this is f@cken cool. Christian, singer from Miseration (ex-Scar Symmetry) guest appearance with Universum. :rock:
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    Favorite 5 metal bands....

    1 Death 2 Cynic 3 Bloodbath 4 Children of bodom 5 In Flames
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    Favorite guitarists

    So who are peoples favorite guitarists at the moment? Do you like a million notes per second shred or a tasty, emotion filled swoon? Is tone a part of what you listen for? I would say Alexi Laiho cos he tears like a madman!
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    Your favorite alcoholic drink??

    Rum!!!!!!!!!!!!:erk: and then more rum!!! :Puke:
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    What is your favourite song from 'Leto Destinatus'?

    can't decide