Search results

  1. Prismatic Sphere

    Classical Cocaine

    Alright, this is a thread of inhuman feats in classical music. Virtuosity. Simple as that. If you wanna post your favorite garden variety pieces, there is another thread for that somewhere. This thread is for sheer musical athleticism and still being able to pull it all off well(and with...
  2. Prismatic Sphere

    Fuckin' Wow Thomas Miller!!!!!

    This is awesome.
  3. Prismatic Sphere

    The Return Of Labyrinth

    Finally. My favorite power metal band of all time has had a full reunion and have made the sequel to probably my favorite power metal album ever: Return To Heaven Denied This song, "A Chance" is a very positive indication for what we have in store. Enjoy...
  4. Prismatic Sphere

    SWAT team shoots dog in front of kid(video)

    This is truly horrifying and proves just what kind of country we are living in. SWAT team breaks into home, fires seven rounds at family's pit bull and corgi (?!) as a seven-year-old looks on. They found a "small...
  5. Prismatic Sphere

    What Are Your Top 10 or 20 Movies Of The New Millenium?

    Since this is a music site, I don't expect most people on here to have seen some of these flicks. But anyway, here goes: 1. Ripley's Game 2. Inglorious Bastards 3. Lord Of The Rings(Trilogy) 4. Roger Dodger 5. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith 6. Martyrs 7. Oldboy 8. RAMBO 9. Kill...
  6. Prismatic Sphere

    Symphony X On Internet Jukeboxes???

    I think it would be GREAT exposure for the band if they were on the internet jukeboxes used by bars. But sadly while Fates Warning IS on some of them, Symphony X is nowhere to be found. Just think, wouldn't it be great to hear "Wicked" whilst carousing with some buds one night? I asked Romeo...
  7. Prismatic Sphere

    For All Clinton Lovers

  8. Prismatic Sphere

    Let's all take a moment and appreciate a really good song that ain't metal

    "Change It" - Stevie Ray Vaughn I lived in the south for a lot of years and one thing that they've got which we haven't got is the roll in rock-n-roll. In the north(or at least in New York), no one(for...
  9. Prismatic Sphere

    Favorite SX Song to sing along to while drunk?

    I haven't posted in a while and I thought I'd throw this out there since I'm sure no one's asked it. I'd say for me "Communion And The Oracle". It's very enveloping, no? :Spin:
  10. Prismatic Sphere

    Michael Moore and Freedom

    This is the best and most concisely written article I've read on Michael Moore yet. This really sets it straight. What's really interesting is that this piece strips him completely of any credibility whatsoever without pointing out any single one of his "mistakes" from Fahrenheit 9/11. Enjoy...
  11. Prismatic Sphere

    Symphony X Marks The Spot!

    Where else can you share your love of Symphony X and have it responded to in kind? Yup, we haven't had a sheer Symphony X appreciation thread here in awhile or if we have, it ain't enough. I must say that more than anyone else I listen too, I never tire or lose any of the interest or fervor...
  12. Prismatic Sphere

    Anybody here seen the movie "Audition"?

    It's a Japanese film by Takashi Miike. It is really good, highly original, and very spooky. Even for those who can't stand to read subtitles, I highly recommend it. Basically it's about a middle-aged man whose wife dies in the beginning. His only son convinces him that he should remarry...
  13. Prismatic Sphere

    Anybody Here Have An Extra *V.I.P.* Ticket for SX/Queensryche at the Beacon?

    If anybody does, PM me in the next 24 hours and I'll gladly buy one off of you. Otherwise(as tickets are going pretty fast), I'll probably just settle for the orchestra or the balcony seats. Thanks. :Spin:
  14. Prismatic Sphere

    Twilight Poll II ~ The Underrated Vs. The (Well)Rated

    Now it's time for you to choose between what are the two most popular songs and what are the two least popular on the album(or at least on the band's setlist). It seems that "Smoke And Mirrors" and "Church Of The Machine" take the larger credit on TiO(Looking Glass aside). Does this mean that...
  15. Prismatic Sphere

    Twilight Poll I ~ Battle Of The Underrated

    These two songs are the most overlooked and underrated on the record. For me it's very very close. But ultimately I choose "The Relic" for the awesome pre-choruses, the magnificently soaring chorus, killer bass groove from Miller, and badass soloing by Romeo and Co. Even though Pinnella...
  16. Prismatic Sphere

    Mark and Dreamwatch's Thread Closing Practices--->

    Now I'm leaving my personal opinion out of this(for now). But what do you think when Mark or Dreamwatch close a thread? Base your answer to this on when they close the thread, how often, and in what manner. Do they have a bias? Are they just hard-and-fast puppets following the rules of their...
  17. Prismatic Sphere

    What was your favorite thread from the old General Chat BB?

    Looking back for me, I'd have to say it easily was the 11 page lesbian thread created by me and roller2. Technically roller2 started the thread with an Anna Kournikova pic of her lip-to-lip with another woman. Then I (and later others) supplied a neverending supply of beautiful lesbians in the...
  18. Prismatic Sphere

    What Are Your Top 5 Years Of Music?

    This was a thread I started a while back on the ol' general chat BB and I feel it needs to be asked again on here. Here are mine: 1986 1975 2000 1984 1988 Nods to 2001.
  19. Prismatic Sphere

    Lord Of The Rings Special Extended Edition Screening Engagement! I must say this is really cool! Check the site for your local participating theaters. But you get to see ALL 3 films on December 16th IN A ROW! And the first two in their extended presentations. All I know is I'm gonna hold off on seeing the...