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  1. FailingAcension

    Who gets the last word in?

    Place sure is quiet these days.....
  2. FailingAcension

    Now: eating/drinking/playing/watching/doing/whatever

    Now checking UM for the first time in a looong time
  3. FailingAcension

    OMG! This place still exists! eeek

    Its been a long time, xeno! You still doing any shooting over in your neck of the woods?
  4. FailingAcension

    New Borknagar interview at

    Man, I've been out of the loop for a while, but I'll def be looking forward to this!
  5. FailingAcension

    The American President

    Haha, I'd have never guessed by looking! I have Romanian WASR 10 myself that has the orginal stock. It is a great gun indeed!
  6. FailingAcension

    The American President

    Nice AK, I have one not half that nice. And is that a 1911?
  7. FailingAcension

    I'm ready to ride the storm!

    Man, its terrible there. The before and after pics are crazy. It might take decades for Gaveston to recover from this.
  8. FailingAcension

    Military metalheads

    Awesome, what airframes do you work on?
  9. FailingAcension

    this crosses the line

    Yeah animal abusers piss me off like none other. But I would be careful that you don't get arrested for people abusing!
  10. FailingAcension

    Scariest/Spookiest Experience?

    Yes, lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis can be related. Except lucid dreaming is cool (I've had a true lucidd dream only once, and it was awesome), and sleep paralysis sucks.
  11. FailingAcension

    Scariest/Spookiest Experience?

    I've halluncinated several times during episodes of sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis in general can be scary and it sucks, but none were exactly "spooky" except one. I was in my dorm room in college trying to take a nap and I got sleep paralysis. All of a sudden I could feel an intense light on...
  12. FailingAcension

    Vortex to do Guest Vocals on New Borknagar Album

    Too bad for you.
  13. FailingAcension

    Military metalheads

    I hear ya about OPSEC. Thats awesome you're with AFSOC. One of our ROTC cadre just PCS'd to Hulburt Field to be a maitanence officer for one of those kind of C-130s AFSOC has. I don't remember if it was the MC-130 or the EC-130 or what but its still pretty awesome. One of the crop dusters that...
  14. FailingAcension

    Military metalheads

    Yes, I'm in ROTC. Even though we do it a bit different at A&M (We have a Corps with all the service branches w/ our own uniforms, training, etc.) I really am enjoying it. After 21 years of working for it, I categorized pilot this spring. I'm really looking forward to that, assuming I can pass...
  15. FailingAcension

    Military metalheads

    Air Force cadet, commissioning in May 09. Whoop! What do you do there in New Mexico? Genocide Roach is in the Air Force, but I don't think he posts in Chat.
  16. FailingAcension

    Who's from Georgia???

    That is the most amazing signature I've ever seen!!!! Brilliant!!!!
  17. FailingAcension

    Who's from Georgia???

    Yeup, I was on Delta too. They cancelled like 4 flights that day. Those jerks.
  18. FailingAcension

    Who's from Georgia???

    I got stuck in Georgia once when they cancelled all the flights to Texas, if that counts....
  19. FailingAcension

    If you could go back in time...

    But then YOU would be Hilter's father!! I would go back to WWII and be a P-51 fighter pilot. Woooo!