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  1. Lopes

    Getting baked before work

    I'm going to assume you're not the CEO of a company.
  2. Lopes

    In-Ear monitors, anyone?

    Are you using the single flange sleeves, because those are horrible, they never stay in. With my Shure E1's I've been using the triple flange sleeves for years with no slippage at all, my brother uses the E3's with the foam sleeves which aren't as good as the triple flange, but they are better...
  3. Lopes

    How do you guys deal with 'cuppers?'

    Bas kicks ass.
  4. Lopes

    I get 5 hours between shifts and I think it's BS.

    That's my understanding as well.
  5. Lopes

    dream theater kick

    Images and Words is the only album with triggers on it (I believe every drum was triggered), hence the machine gun rolls, Portnoy hated the sound so much that he has never used any triggers since.
  6. Lopes

    Super Mario on 2 guitars (youtube Vid)

    I don't know why, but I'm not really impressed even though I know that I should be, maybe I'm just sick of everyone doing that theme song.
  7. Lopes

    Recognizing music in unexpected places...

    I remember one time I was flipping through the channels and when I passed MTV, I heard Mr. Bungle's "Secret Song" playing in the background on either The Real World or Road Rules or one their other "reality" shows.
  8. Lopes


    Little boy blue... He needed the money, OH!
  9. Lopes


    I thought the same thing on the first listen, but after a couple of spins and letting it sink in, it keeps getting better and better. I can't get enough of Washington is Next. I'm also really digging the mix, sounds the way that Megadeth should sound so I also don't get the Arch Enemy comments.
  10. Lopes

    carvin cab

    I use the Legacy 2x12, but mine is a first run, so it has Greenbacks instead of the V30's, and I'm very happy with it. Carvin stuff is usually very high quality.
  11. Lopes

    Strats for rhythm tracks

    But Yngwie's guitars don't have "traditional" single coils, they're stacked humbuckers.
  12. Lopes

    Drum Help

    Have you thought about maybe just overdubbing the toms?
  13. Lopes

    OT: Google Introduce free broadband (TiSP)

    That's just what they want you to think, don't fall into the trap. They really want to analyze everyone's shit.
  14. Lopes

    OT: Google Introduce free broadband (TiSP)

    Just when I thought I had seen it all.
  15. Lopes

    Death Metal Amp???

    In that price range, your best bet is a Peavey 6505, or a used 5150.
  16. Lopes

    Minimum mic'ing

    On the money. People seem to forget that the best tool in mixdown can be the mute button.
  17. Lopes

    OT: Kelly Clarkson joins Metal Skool

    It's a "big" metal cover band.
  18. Lopes

    Hi! I'm a mac!

    As was mine.
  19. Lopes

    Hi! I'm a mac!

    1. Yeah really, fuck him, the guy donates millions of dollars to charity, what a fuckin' shyster. 2. Damn, what could be done to make it look more like the Mac OS? 3. I thought you were considered gay if you engaged in sexual intercourse with a member of the same sex. (Not that there's...
  20. Lopes

    EQ Question

    An effective approach to subtractive EQ is to do a boost of 3-5 db with a narrow Q, and then sweep for the bad frequencies to pull out.