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  1. Ryan M.

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Mirror of Souls!
  2. Ryan M.

    What Music Theocracy Enjoys! (mostly DragonForce talk)

    Oh man... this is like a look into the past. Cool to see a thread of mine still getting bumped. I still listen to both Theocracy and Dragonforce :)
  3. Ryan M.

    Truman World Domination?

    So it's too late? :eek:
  4. Ryan M.

    Truman World Domination?

    I've been gone a long time and am just wondering... Is Truman still seeking to take over the world? Just wondering. I think I've been gone too long, if that has changed. :OMG:
  5. Ryan M.

    Harmony: new vocalist and 2014 album

    I like his sound a LOT!! :o Man...
  6. Ryan M.

    Matt recording vocals for new demo

    Hello guys! This is awesome to hear! I've been on a hiatus because of work and school but I am back for now. This sounds great, as usual! Gotta love some Theocracy!
  7. Ryan M.

    Maw ha ha I return!

    Woah woah woah! We get to do re-introduction posts? How come I didn't make one? I think I'm the most famous person here ;). Well... other than the band members. LOL! Welcome back anyways. There are less trolls here now so I don't think you have much to worry about as long as you are not...
  8. Ryan M.

    Harmony looking for a new vocalist

    Brian is a good choice.
  9. Ryan M.

    Do you like?

    Both were good but the second one is what I'd call amazing! :o
  10. Ryan M.

    Debut album reissue teaser! [and some news]

    My thoughts exactly :rock:
  11. Ryan M.

    Bad and good things

    Hey man. I might be able to get some to you. I have forwarded items to Indonesia before. Not too hard :). Just hit up my email: k? I'd love to help you get the albums! MoS is my fav! \m/
  12. Ryan M.


    Nailed it. I'm at Community College right not but I plan on going to UGA :Smokedev:
  13. Ryan M.

    "Ghost" and "Storm's A-Coming" by Matt Smith

    Holy... Crap! :eek: This is VERY solid. What can I say though? Matt Smith, you are one talented man!
  14. Ryan M.


    Pretty much the time I have been gone... :OMG:
  15. Ryan M.


    What is up y'all? I might move to Athens in 2 years so... I will be in Theocracy territory ;).
  16. Ryan M.

    What video games are you currently playing?

    Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, anyone?!?! Or Jedi Outcast... also a few of the old Medal of Honer: Allied Assault expansion packs and the occasional minecraft attempt.
  17. Ryan M.

    Theocracy would be a great opener for...

    A man after my own heart :kickass: P.S. Sup everybody? It has been a while.
  18. Ryan M.

    What video games are you currently playing?

    Minecraft anyone?
  19. Ryan M.


    OP OP OP OP OP... wait... Am I allowed to say that here? :o
  20. Ryan M.

    Nightwish Wine

    THAT IS SO METAL! :rock: