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  1. reignofterror

    15th Anniversary North American Tour

    I'm a little disappointed they aren't stopping anywhere near me... I'd love to see Eluveitie again too.
  2. reignofterror

    Rip Steve Jobs

    Speaking of knowing how to read, I wasn't accusing anyone of suggesting that he did die of self-destructive habits. I find it hard to believe that people can't take a simple observation or statement for what it is, instead of looking for some malicious or hidden meaning behind it.
  3. reignofterror

    Rip Steve Jobs

    Although dead, I don't really think it's from self-destructive habits. Plus, he was pretty successful in the years he was here. More successful than most people, I'd suggest, if business success is any measure.
  4. reignofterror

    Hatecrew Death Roll vs Are You Dead Yet, Blooddrunk and Relentless Reckless Forever

    I really like Hate Crew Deathroll, as it was the album that introduced me to Bodom. Beyond that, it is a pretty solid album and I just have a preference for the older Bodom material.
  5. reignofterror

    COB Pics

    I don't know... Jussi has always struck me as being quite tanned, especially in comparison to his bandmates. :lol:
  6. reignofterror

    What are you listening to?

    Amorphis - Born From Fire
  7. reignofterror

    Rip Steve Jobs

    Apparently he dropped out of college in the first semester and travelled, while trying out a bunch of drugs. I guess it goes to show that you don't need an expensive university degree to be successful, as so many people seem to think.
  8. reignofterror

    COB Interviews

    I've noticed you can always pick out the younger kids, as they don't know any of the material beyond the last two albums... Which would be alright, as long as they didn't act like the douchebags that these younger teenage kids seem to act like. Around here at least, it definitely irks the older...
  9. reignofterror

    COB Pics

    The one on the other side of Alexi kind of looks like Jussi from the 69 Eyes... I'm not sure it's him though, as I'm used to seeing him looking a little more 'goth'.
  10. reignofterror

    Last and Next concert

    Last: Arch Enemy, Devildriver, Skeletonwitch, Cthonic Next (likely): Mayhem, Keep of Kalessin
  11. reignofterror

    Summer Festivals 2012

    Hellfest always seems to have a good line-up. It seems early to be releasing information though, although I suppose they want to attract ticket-buyers as early as possible.
  12. reignofterror

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    Thanks. :)
  13. reignofterror

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    Hopefully this question hasn't been asked before, but I'm looking for a good description and/or explanation of what different runes symbolize. I'm wondering if there is a good source to be trusted on the internet, or if anyone can recommend a trustworthy book. I ask because my boyfriend is...
  14. reignofterror


    Holidays? What are those? Haha.
  15. reignofterror

    My new tattoo *hey look at me, I'm special!*

    Looks good. :D
  16. reignofterror

    US/Canada Tour Part II

    The Edmonton show was quite awesome. It was pretty close to a packed house, although it seemed that quite a few people were checking out AA for the first time. The sound was good, and AA sounded spot on all night. Johan was good with involving the crowd, but that's nothing unusual. I don't...
  17. reignofterror

    Tuska Festival 2011

    The media here does the same thing, although I've rarely seen fights at metal shows. The only times fights seem to start are when someone who obviously isn't in the metal circle shows up to see a band and acts in the way that THEY believe metal heads act. :guh: Actually, while I was at a few...
  18. reignofterror

    Tuska Festival 2011

    Good to know. That makes sense, especially considering that the Kaisaniemi area seems to be pretty upscale.
  19. reignofterror

    US/Canada Tour Part II

    After reading the last few posts, it sounds even more promising for Edmonton tomorrow night. That second set looks quite awesome. As for shirts, I was hoping they'd have the Odin battling Fenris one, as that is a sick design, but I have a feeling I'm going to end up spending a good chunk on...
  20. reignofterror

    Tuska Festival 2011

    ^ I would like to see Tuska in Kaisaniemi if I ever get back over there. Kaisaniemi is a beautiful location and an easy walk to the hostel where I would prefer to stay. :P Maybe I just like the idea of Tuska in that particular park because I'm pretty familiar with that area of Helsinki. I think...