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  1. redscot

    The Last.FM thread

    There was a time when 9/10 of these were extreme metal. I'm on a bit of an Immortal binge, though, so maybe that'll revert soon...
  2. redscot

    Top Ten Metal Albums of 2022

    Not sure if I can order, but of metal/metal-related shit I dug these in 2022: Candelabrum - Nocturnal Trance Blut aus Nord - Disharmonium White Ward - False Light Autoneosis - Moon of Foul Magics Fleshwater - We're Not Here to Be Loved Holy Fawn - Dimensional Bleed Amorphis - Halo Autopsy -...
  3. redscot

    GMD Poll: Top 10 Metal Albums of the 1990s

    This won’t count now but did mine for fun: 1. Dissection - Storm of the Light’s Bane 2. Dismember - Like an Ever Flowing Stream 3. Disembowelment - Transcendence into the Peripheral 4. Ulver - Bergtatt 5. Cryptopsy - None So Vile 6. Anathema - The Silent Enigma 7. Dawn - Slaughtersun 8. Theatre...
  4. redscot

    Favorite Metal Sub-genres (This time with a poll :) )

    Voted black (though not the blood and soil far right stuff, I just dig the atmosphere). Closely followed by doom, but I could probably think of bands out of every sub-genre on that list I dig - nu metal a bit tricky tbf. I love deftones/RATM, but not sure they’d be classified as such
  5. redscot

    Calculate how metal you are using your fav album per year

    Seems a sound fella too Youths attack and ambush Sheffield man who challenged them for not wearing masks | The Star
  6. redscot

    Calculate how metal you are using your fav album per year

    For the years I've been alive as I cba doing back to 1970 right now, will take bloody ages! Metal or metal-related in bold... 1992: Rage Against the Machine - S/T 1993: Slowdive - Souvlaki 1994: Nas - Illmatic 1995: Ulver - Bergtatt 1996: Bowery Electric - Beat 1997: Biosphere - Substrata 1998...
  7. redscot

    Religion Amongst Metalheads

    Ticked Abrahamic, whatever that means lol. I'm loosely a Christian I suppose, but I'm not particularly devout and haven't followed it for years.
  8. redscot

    Capitalism vs Communism

    Me, a socialist, logs in to this thread to see what intelligent discussion is taking place. Apparently America is socialist and so was Hitler. Think I'll leave the thread there...
  9. redscot

    Post-Punk/Gothic Rock/New Wave etc

    How do we feel about Dead Can Dance? Earlier stuff was more explicitly gothic rock, but their more recent stuff experiments a lot with Arabic/Greek folk music.
  10. redscot

    Name change - redscot

    Could you please change my name to redscot? Made this account years ago. Want to use the same email, but not the same username.
  11. redscot

    2011 Music

    Varg is a nutter, murderer and God knows what else. If he wasn't a musician he'd be reviled by anybody. I'll admit I've not heard his records mind, but he's not really given me the biggest motivation to. There's a lot of bands on my "to listen to" list before him. And I mean a lot.
  12. redscot

    Which European country should I move to, to form serious band?

    I was about to say, there's a brilliant prog AND metal scene going on in Australia. Much better than where I live. Stay there man!
  13. redscot

    2011 Music

    There's a new Karnivool album on the way? They were astonishing live. Great band.
  14. redscot

    What do you think Katatonia will do with their next album?

    I really loved the electronic/ambient influence on songs like the Longest Year. I know I may be isolated saying that on a metal forum, but I think Katatonia do atmosphere better than a lot of bands. If I want their death/doom stuff, it's always there. Their new stuff doesn't necessarily have to...
  15. redscot

    x-mas metal?

    My favourite Christmas song
  16. redscot

    Amplifier - The Octopus

    Just a random browsing here but I thought I'd comment. This album is 5 years in the making, and they've done it all themselves - they've lost money making it, and it's a real "for-the-fans" album. It's also astonishingly good. So I really do urge anyone to help them any way they can.
  17. redscot

    Face Off 12: Nu Metal vs. Core

    If Hopesfall, Converge, Botch, Cave In or even Dillinger count as Metalcore, I really don't think you can call it a wholly bad genre. It's like saying that the new In Flames record represents all Death Metal. Even if Metalcore's worst bands i.e. Atreyu, Caliban etc are worst than Nu-Metal's...
  18. redscot

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Except people that blatantly are.
  19. redscot

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I was only half joking. You should hear Jamie Lenman's growl. (Reuben)
  20. redscot

    Controversial opinions on metal

    +1 And growl vocals in non-metal is also awesome. :goggly: