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    What are you learning?

    Working on YYZ by Rush, Dragon's Den by SymX, Flight of the bumblebee and transcribing Paganini's 5th from the violin sheet music. Have to say...Paginini was a madman! The intro sweeps on violin are freaking insane!
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    Some other great drummers- Bill Bruford(yes, king crimson, many other bands) Alan White(Yes) Jason Rullo(Symphony X)
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    Bill Lawrence Pickups

    I have a real BL(watch out for fakes-you can only get real ones from Bill on his website) L-500XL in my Jackson USA Kelly, and I love it. It's balanced and it has VERY great clairty. It really allows the natural tone of your guitar to come through. Plus, you can use it for more than Metal-it...
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    Any experience with scalloped guitar necks?

    Basically, you have to play VERY light and be aware of how much pressure you are applying to the neck. It's hard to master, but as I understand, if you become skilled at playing on it, you can do some cool microtonal bends, etc. Yngwie and Blackmore seem to like it quite a bit.
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    I have shitty technique any help would be appriciated. (guitarists)

    get the two following things- 1.A metronome-this is critical for picking development. Playing fast and IN TIME is your goal-so by working with the metronome, you start out slow and work up speed slowly. 2."Speed mechanics for lead guitar" By Troy Stetina. About $13-14 from This...
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    selecting a VERSATILE metal pickup

    Also, look into a L-500XL by Bill Lawrence(just be sure to get a REAL one from the man himself) I have one in my Jackson Kelly-VERY clear, high output and very versitile.
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    A problem that needs to be addressed

    dumb fucks like that should be beat down FAST in pit. I dont' go into pits because I am small, and stay away from them. I have watched these idiots get into pits and do this "hardcore dance" shit..usually the kill the pit. Because of how many problems they cause, some places have banned...
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    Verse riff in Evolution

    low note is the 4th fret, high note is the 7th fret-4 frets to cover. index on 4th, pinky on 7th Yes, this will challenge your 2 and 3rd fingers in legato skill, but Romeo has some serious strength in ALL of his fingers. He stretches quite often and uses all his fingers to do hammers and...
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    Types of Picks

    My current pick of choice is The Dunlop Stubby 3.0 MM..if I can't get one of those, I use a Jazz III. I just like the pointer, heavier picks that require you to play with precision. I do keep some tortex picks around though for when I strum on my acoustic..although, I can strum almost exactly...
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    GUITARISTS: A quick question

    I have a very strong pinky that I can do all sorts of legato, etc's stronger than my ring finger. I actaully have to work my ring finger harder to keep up! Just stick with it, use it often, and in time, you will be all over the place with it.
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    Question about growling: Making the Sound with the diaphragm?

    Barking pumpkin has it-you just have to practice. I could not do it at first, but now I can do the deep growls with the diaphram without stressing the throat at all. You just have break your old ways and learn to use the new ones.. It's well worth the time-if done right, you can be...
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    help...lost my growling skills

    okay..better descripition... first, off, hum for a bit to warm your throat up. This is important!!! If you try to do deep growls without the warmup you could do damage. Keep your throat moist! Lemon water is one of the best things to drink. I have been told this by a few singing in...
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    Should older metalheads...?

    I am with serial killer here. Every nu-metal/newbie fan I educate and introduce to real kick ass metal bands throws away their nu-metal CDs in a matter of weeks. THey then go for the good stuff and never look back! ex-there was this kid with the slipknot, etc patches on his jacket who was...
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    Non-Metal Artists Most Influential on the Development of Metal

    Paganini-pretty much the first shredder..his stuff is still insane by today's standards. Many blues artists(too many to list)-Iommi and many others were influenced by American blues players. In some cases, it's a nameless 78 that has a tune or two on it..and they have no idea who played the song.
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    What is the deal with EMG Pickups?!

    In Zakk's case, you have to look as his WHOLE signal chain. He uses a JCM800 amp that is not very high gain;the combo of the hot signal from the EMGs and his distortion pedal slam the preamp tubes hard to get that tone he gets. It's a matter of personal preferance-I like hot passives. My...
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    Ozzfest this year - anyone going?

    I went to ozzfest in San Francisco last month- 2nd Stage- I don't know about most all of you...but I really don't like Metalcore. And this show put the nail in that coffin! The only bands I really liked on the side stage were Lacuna coil(not my cup of tea..but they are very talented...
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    Romeo is endorsing Caparison guitars now

    I must be the one of the few who actually likes the headstock! But..I am sucker for pointy guitars! (Jackson USA Kelly owner here!)
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    Innovative bands of the past 25 years

    I have interviews in guitar mags from the Early 90s when he almost seemed he was shying away from mentioning he was in Possessed. Then again..he might have been messing with the interviewer or he just wanted to focus more on Primus, as Possessed was in the past. Calm down man..I may have...
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    Your guitars, fx, amps

    late 80s Charvel model 550XL Jackson USA KE1(USA Kelly) Ovation acoustic Fx-Digitech GSP2101 Artist amp- .some peavey combo that I use for a poweramp pretty much. What I would like Amp to say- VHT Ultralead with 4x12 cab (some day....)
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    Innovative bands of the past 25 years

    For quite some time, it was like he was in denial about being in possessed. LaLonde is a great guitar player, and I don't see why he was all uptight about it. Has he finally started being okay with it?