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  1. Rough Divide

    my mom is dead, should i feel bad about it?

    No you shouldn't feel anything about it because its your valid right to feel how you feel all of us are different and you don't deserve to feel bad
  2. Rough Divide


    I agree with this man he actually has some sense
  3. Rough Divide

    How Do You Feel About Veganism?

    I simply don't like it, you got these people barging on us meateaters saying were fucking monsters but to expect us to change our livlihood and way of eating regimens is asinine and selfish if you ask me they hypocrites
  4. Rough Divide


    I don't think it's really up for debate here especially being in 2021 but I can guarantee you I wont go in that McDonalds like your friend here said they can have their gay party somewhere else not in my presence though
  5. Rough Divide


  6. Rough Divide

    Speakers or headphones?

    speakers all the wayy
  7. Rough Divide

    your never gonna receive a brainfucking quite like this one!

    your never gonna receive a brainfucking quite like this one!
  8. Rough Divide

    Movie/serie recommendations

    Kiss kiss bang bang, elementrey for tv series , House , Scrubs
  9. Rough Divide

    what do you do when you're down?

    Call a pretty whore and have some fun ! :D
  10. Rough Divide

    Official buying advice thread

    You are wasting your money there, hoping the exchange hasn't already happened! lol
  11. Rough Divide

    what are you reading?

    Currently the adventures of Sherlock Holmes the original series written by sir Arthur cowan Doyle
  12. Rough Divide

    What is your favorite Kalmah album?

  13. Rough Divide

    What's the meaning of your username?

    It's a limit break from final fantasy 8
  14. Rough Divide

    This place... is still here.

    Of course it is
  15. Rough Divide

    Who gets the last word in?

  16. Rough Divide

    Who gets the last word in?

    Sheep with cop hat
  17. Rough Divide

    Who gets the last word in?

    Do what take over the world yes that's the plan I've already secured the seat of command
  18. Rough Divide

    What are you listening to right now?

    Albino slug by buckethead