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  1. outbreak525

    New Nemora Mix

    Hey guys, I haven't posted here in 3 years, back when my band Nemora released our album, Equinox of the Gods. This forum has helped me so much over the years, so I figured I would let you guys give me some constructive criticism on a mix of one of our new songs. Have at it...
  2. outbreak525

    Latest Progressive Metal Mixes

    Been a while since I posted anything! Please critique one of my most recent mixes... actually, you know what I'll throw you two of them just because I'm a nice guy. You guys have helped me a lot and I owe it to you all for making me a better engineer...
  3. outbreak525

    Help Installing Sturgis Superior Drummer Presets

    Hey guys! Having trouble using the Sturgis Superior Drummer presets. The readme says all I have to do is click install and it will automatically put everything where it needs to be to work in Superior. Well I did that, opened up Superior Drummer to use in Cubase, and no matter where I look, I...
  4. outbreak525

    Stuck with Mix, need Suggestions

    Thanks man, I'll keep it all in mind! I feel like I should double the vocals, to bring up the energy. And also, I'm really not used to anything other than mixing metal, which explains the drum sound (which I love, btw!) So I don't even know how to go about making them warm and fat. Any advice?
  5. outbreak525

    Stuck with Mix, need Suggestions

    Hey guys! Been a while since I posted anything here. So I'm working on some solo project stuff, and I've got the mix to this point and I'm really having a hard time making moves now. Yet, to me it just does not sound professional yet. Any advice to give this mix that added professionalism...
  6. outbreak525

    TESSERACT - Altered State album stream

    Does anyone have any info about the production on this album? Where they recorded, who mixed / mastered, if the guitars are mic'd, if the drums are triggered or programmed, are all questions on my mind. Super clean mix, I dig a lot.
  7. outbreak525

    Cubase 6.5 Issue

    Nope the noise cannot be recorded. In fact when it happens during recording, it doesn't come up during playback. I am using Line 6 UX2. Weird since yesterday during tracking this problem didn't persist, instead all the sound would cut out for about 5-10 seconds then return no problem.
  8. outbreak525

    Cubase 6.5 Issue

    It literally happens randomly. One day I'll open Cubase to work on a project and this will happen. Another day it will work no problem.
  9. outbreak525

    Cubase 6.5 Issue

    I don't have any plugins running, and none that I do run are in demo mode.
  10. outbreak525

    Cubase 6.5 Issue

    During playback, and recording, I get short and loud bursts of white noise. This has never happened before. I've not changed any settings or anything. These white noise bursts are much louder than anything playing so they make working on a project quite frustrating and scary. Anyone else had...
  11. outbreak525

    Need tips on being 'nicer'

    Just treat others the way you would like to be treated.
  12. outbreak525

    Bendeth Calls Out Sturgis #epic #shitstorm #podtact #podtactless #cats

    That is my Twitter account! I did not intend on starting this!
  13. outbreak525

    Mixing Real Instruments

    Man I am really having a problem with the toms. The rest of the drums are being picked up very loudly in the tom mics, and it's really hard to make the toms sound good without making the rest of the kit sound like shit. What do I do?
  14. outbreak525

    Mixing Real Instruments

    So it turns out we didn't have enough time/money to get the drums edited at the studio. So we ended up recording guitars over a comp of the best drum takes, unedited. Thank God I got the DI's because I just edited the drums at home, and holy fuck, now I seriously need to edit the DI's and reamp.
  15. outbreak525

    Mixing Real Instruments

    Alright guys, I'll make sure I get the DI's :)
  16. outbreak525

    Band's bassists can't play drop A for beans.

    Do whatever you need to to make the project sound as best as possible.
  17. outbreak525

    Mixing Real Instruments

    I've never been good with getting decent tones out of DI's, so I'm not sure what I would really use them for at home. Probably gonna make sure the tone is as best as possible in the studio. I want clarity in the distortion so I might put the gain at like 6. Not too sure where to go in terms of...
  18. outbreak525

    Mixing Real Instruments

    Shortly, my band Nemora will be hitting a real studio to get some authentic mic'd up tracks. Up until now, the tones have been fake. Programmed drums, and Pod Farm. We're hittin' the studio with a Peavey 6505+ and Marshall Cabs. After recording there, I'm takin' home the tracks to mix and...
  19. outbreak525

    Song ft. Phil from IAA

    Had the pleasure of producing a song with Phil Druyor in it... Check it out!
  20. outbreak525

    The Veggie Thread

    The classical music part is pretty astonishing!