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  1. Seanicus

    2016 Shows

    I listened to every band playing and it just isn't my thing. I will add that meeting Anneke finally is also a plus.
  2. Seanicus

    2016 Shows

    Prog-Power For Fates and Refuge/Rage Frost and Fire II Satan Philly and Richmond Heart Billy Joel QR and Armored Saint
  3. Seanicus

    Ragnarokkr Main Stage 2017: SYRUS

    Glad to be of service
  4. Seanicus

    Dirkschneider is coming

    i had it with me this year.
  5. Seanicus

    Dirkschneider is coming

    VIP as well for San Antonio. I met him when he toured with Raven in the early 2000s, but didn't have the book with me.
  6. Seanicus

    Dirkschneider is coming

    he doesn't do accept stuff anymore? he did when i saw him in 2001.
  7. Seanicus

    Manowar: the final battle...the last tour

    ticket prices on the last tour were around $100. NOPE. not even a fan, but for a decent price i'd go see them
  8. Seanicus

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    agreed. unless they had a different singer
  9. Seanicus

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    he's never all there
  10. Seanicus

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    cyclone temple bitch odin
  11. Seanicus

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    is lizzy really that expensive?
  12. Seanicus

    Ragnarokkr 2017: who do you want to see

    Militia my new band
  13. Seanicus

    Best performances at the fest in 2016

    white magician sucks. doesn't really matter what they said. fuck em
  14. Seanicus

    Keep It True 2017

    ungol couldn't do the bombay, way too small.
  15. Seanicus

    2016 Fest Recap - Cheers and Jeers

    jeer - late onset festival lung crud
  16. Seanicus

    Best performances at the fest in 2016

    i forgot impaler. so much fun
  17. Seanicus

    Ragnarokkr Second Stage 2016: Hexenhammer

    ^^^ditto. i liked a few songs from the demo but didn't want to move
  18. Seanicus

    Best performances at the fest in 2016

    Old Wolf Leather Riot City Ashbury Midnight Chaser Jag Panzer/Satan's Host Lethal Gatekeeper And I was surprised by Ordained Fate a bit.