Search results

  1. Kellii

    Help with squeaking noise - Vocal tracking

    I can't hear a problem with the vocal track, maybe it's my headphones (ATH50) hiding it. The only squeaky noise I can hear between 10 and 11 is a sharp "huu" when the vocalist breaths in. If that's what you mean then you can cut them out but the track will sound less natural. Maybe your...
  2. Kellii

    How are you promoting your Band or Project in 2018

    Thanks for the reply Osum. It is definitely a struggle to get noticed with there being so much out there. I was talking to a friend who is a twitch streamer the other day and he gave me advice that worked suprisingly well. It seems obvious now but at the time I didn't really think of it. Just...
  3. Kellii

    How are you promoting your Band or Project in 2018

    Recently I have begun a new online music project and will be promoting it soon. It's very early days yet and as it's just me on my own writing, recording, mixing, making the artwork and promoting, it has become a huge stress trying to figure out where and how to promote music effectively. I...
  4. Kellii

    How many kick samples are you blending?

    If I'm using a real kick then I will blend a bass heavy kick(SSD Kick 10,1 or 5) into parts with guitar chords held over a bar or two like intros to add power. For double kick runs I blend in a slappy kick( SSD Pantera or black Kick) to add clarity. I also sometimes add a kick room sample to...
  5. Kellii

    Need fresh ears for this mix

    As the title says I need some fresh ears and opinions. Not got round to volume automation yet. I'll begin that once the vocals are recorded. Town Mix 100820017.mp3?dl=0 When it is finished I may also post stems if anyone's interested. Thanks guys.
  6. Kellii

    Any Rock vocalists wish to start an online collab?

    So I have moved from Scotland to Germany recently and I'm having a hard time to find people to make music with here. I recently have started writing a lot of rock songs for an EP and I am in need of a dedicated vocalist and lyricist to work with. The style is similar to bands like Ugly Kid...
  7. Kellii

    Coincidence or.... ? Track Relative Volume

    Try importing your referance mix into your daw and turning it to down roughly to the same overall volume as your mix. Then switch your daw to mono and set volumes of each instrument so they match the reference mix. Don't be afraid to eq in mono too if you need to just be aware of your guitars...
  8. Kellii

    Using the same guitar tone for left and right. Pros and cons.

    I always find if you have different guitar tones either side any tonal problems you may have missed become obvious. I find myself using less Eq when I have two different tones. When you use the same tone twice undesirable qualities in the mids become harder to Eq out (you can eq for days and...
  9. Kellii

    Clean guitar/indy song(real drums) need advise

    Thanks man, I made these changes and also lowered the snare,it instantly sounded fuller.
  10. Kellii

    Tips for recording drums in a untreated large room

    Simplifiy it. Focus on 1.Tuning 2. Close Mic'ing 3.Phase Those 3 are all equally important in terms of tone, mud and impact. If you don't have the option of treating the room this is damage control. Then add room mic's, the room might suprise you. If the room sounds good use them. If the room...
  11. Kellii

    Clean guitar/indy song(real drums) need advise

    Mixing my friends latest EP. I need advise/ a second opinion as I have listened to it too much and lost all objectivity. Let me know what you think. (second chorus).mp3?dl=0
  12. Kellii

    Help with stereo enhancer on the master?

    This plug in allows you to create a crossover point so everything above is in stereo and can be minipulated and everything below is in mono.
  13. Kellii

    Looking to mix a track for free!

    Hi iampax. Sorry this offer is no longer available.
  14. Kellii

    (Crit)I mixed forum member Anas3188's latest single.

    Thanks a lot for the feedback man. :)
  15. Kellii

    (Crit)I mixed forum member Anas3188's latest single.

    Thanks for the feed back man :). I'll keep these in mind for future mixes!
  16. Kellii

    (Crit)I mixed forum member Anas3188's latest single.

    Check it out guys I recently mixed and mastered Anas3188's latest track "Existance". It's a great track with a lot of shredding guitar solos and a great structure. I would love some constructive criticism of my mix Dave.
  17. Kellii

    Looking to mix a track for free!

    Thanks a lot man:)
  18. Kellii

    Looking for singer

    Love it man reminds me of Alice in Chains man! Keep it up, Hope you find a singer soon.
  19. Kellii

    Looking to mix a track for free!

    Edit:Sorry guys no longer offering this. Hi guys, I'm looking to mix and master a single original track on the heavier side for free between now and November. I'm looking for more experience in mixing metal as I am used to mixing rock music. The track must be recorded to a good standard...