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  1. Demona

    Forest Stream at Malta Doom Metal fest 2012

    Hey there, just in case anyone checks out this forum too: Forest Stream are going to play at Malta Doom Metal festival 2012! The billing so far: FOREST STREAM (RUSSIA) DAWN OF WINTER (GERMANY) SLIT (MALTA) special sludge show HOODED PRIEST (NETHERLANDS) SORCERER (SWEDEN) IRON VOID...
  2. Demona

    To cheer us up...

    Join Facebook. It's a lot easier to use. Quite functional too. ;) cheers!
  3. Demona

    To cheer us up...

    This forum will probably be closed. Check out FS pages at mySpace and Facebook:
  4. Demona

    Last Seaon Purity.

    Caelum666, see the numbers, empy line, and green button that says "скачать"(=download)? Enter the numbers, press the green button and you get the link for download. good luck!
  5. Demona

    New record progress Updates

    That's also Sonm! :muahaha:
  6. Demona

    Metaltown 2010 & Forest Stream sure? You have to login to vote at metalcamp You don't have to login on MetalTown page, just choose the artists using the tool on the right. Yet it can forbid you to vote if you e-mail or IP had already been used.
  7. Demona

    15th of November, Relax - "The Crown Of Winter" presentation + Live DVD recording

    Caelum666, well, the dvd itself is not ready yet, however the material was recorded. Hopefully, the guys doing the video will manage well with this task. The synth is the same -- Roland XP-30. Just have to know how to use it ;)
  8. Demona

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    Caelum666, thanks! побывавшие, пожалуйста высказывайтесь--н&#1077...
  9. Demona

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    ...а ещё бутота и что-то ещё припомнила, но на данны&#1081...
  10. Demona

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    Файер-шоу НЕ будет!
  11. Demona

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    с сайта клуба: Цена: 450 р. предпродажа 500 р. с флаером &#1074...
  12. Demona

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    Я клуб этот не видела...но сам факт смущает, да.
  13. Demona

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    Выход ФС запланирован на 20.20. Играть будут час. А чт&#1086...
  14. Demona

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    сдётся мне, что это всего лишь навсего справочна&#1103...
  15. Demona

    30.12.09 Dark Metal Ball, X.O. Club

    Концертное Агентство INFINITY представляет: 30.12.09 X.O.Сlub Dark-Metal Ball …Neo decadence...
  16. Demona

    Metaltown 2010 & Forest Stream

    8 votes?!!! Only 8 votes?! PEOPLE!!! BE ACTIVE!!! VOTE FOR FOREST STREAM!!! :)))))))) :kickass:
  17. Demona

    Metaltown 2010 & Forest Stream

    To vote for FOREST STREAM go HERE Find the selection tool on the right. You can choose three artists (incl. Forest Stream), then enter your e-mail, antispam numbers and voila! Thanks in advance!
  18. Demona

    Forest Stream to Metalfest 2010

    Let's make it possible!!!! Cast your vote! Please ask to vote your relatives, friends, friends' relatives, etc! VOTE HERE
  19. Demona

    15th of November, Relax - "The Crown Of Winter" presentation + Live DVD recording

    Ну они ж вышли...и кланялись :))) я так полагаю о&#1090...
  20. Demona

    Reviews for The Crown of Winter

    а куда полкола зажал?!