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  1. DanzaInc

    Future plans

    It's too bad Marcos left. I have been a fan of kalmah for quite some time now and I love them!!!! It would be great if they came to Britain!
  2. DanzaInc

    What's your favourite Kalmah song?

    :popcorn:Mine keeps changing. At first it was Heroes to Us but I listened to it too much and now I dont like it. Now its probably Hades.
  3. DanzaInc

    Controversial non-metal opinions

    Personally Im not into The Beatles at all, although they must be good because a lot of people like them.
  4. DanzaInc

    Controversial non-metal opinions

    Well a lot of people I know think Nirvana suck, but I really like them. Yes, Smells Like Teen Spirit is very overrated, I think anyone can agree on that but the other songs are never ever usually heard of. So I guess it only goes down to opinion whether you like them or not.
  5. DanzaInc

    Now Playing

    Im Listening to a classic lol The Philosopher by Death