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  1. W


    I was distracted by the presentation in the interview. Why do you summarize what mikael says before we even read it? I prefer tradition interviews where the interviewer asks questions and the interviewee answers. Doesn't that make sense? besides that, the information was interesting...
  2. W

    new to Porcupine Tree

    I'm glad to hear lava is re-releasing lightbulb sun...I was starting to panic. I have Stupid Dream and In Absentia. IA is just a devastating album, while Stupid dream is pretty good. Fav. songs: Trains Lips of Ashes
  3. W

    Opeth vs. Dream Theater, battle of the completely different prog bands!

    I don't think this forum is really the proper demographic to do a poll like this, but it was a good laugh.
  4. W

    Regarding the NY times article...

    I agree with most of this. Having sought out several different new genres, I understand the reviewer's perspective. A lot of you are just being metal elitists and missing the point. Music is a personal thing, and therefore means something different to everyone who hears it. Try to imagine...
  5. W

    Let's face it: Dan Swano is a more veratile musican than Mikael

    Yeah, hey let's have a witch-burning! Burn Merzarkabul, the witch!!!!
  6. W

    mike's brutal voice

    Mike said in an interview that when he does them in the studio he sounds like a witch or something, but when they listen to them they end up sounding really brutal...strange.
  7. W

    I'm sick of people saying all Opeth albums sound alike.

    For someone with a well-trained metal ear, of course the albums don't all sound the same. However, I don't think anyone can make a case for a vast progression between each album. Mikael himself said that there would never be a huge change in style. The only real significant change in songwriting...
  8. W

    Maybe Opeth will change its style

    Mikael has said repeatedly that he will never change his style drastically, because he hates it when bands do that. So, for better or worse, I'd say expect the small progressions they've been making from album to album all along.
  9. W

    Michael Jackson

    This is, BY FAR, the funniest thing I've heard or read all day. I can't stop laughing....
  10. W

    The Sham Mirrors & La Masquerade Infernale

    For a long time I couldn't stand LMI, then at some point it just clicked. Aspera Heims Symphonia is one of the best traditional black metal albums of all time, though. at first I liked sham mirrors, but as I look back on it, it seems like the least impressive component of their discography. When...
  11. W

    Opeth - Orchid

    Ditto buddy. Morningrise is the best of their first style, and MAYH is their most cohesive, well-composed album (a song actually feels like a song, and not a jam session most of the time). Orchid was my favorite for a while though (that happened whenever i got a new opeth cd until BWP).
  12. W

    [Non-Metal] Sigur Rós - ( )

    good review. I saw them in concert this past week, and it was one of the most amazing shows I've ever seen. They got a standing ovation for almost 10 minutes. I've been debating which album to get first, and I think this confirmed my initial thoughts. But really, a 3.5/10? There were several...
  13. W

    Tool - Lateralus

    Lateralus is an awesome album. I REALLY like all the songs besides the last two. One of the album's greatest strenths is its percussiveness. Yes, I can see the comparisons to "tribal", but it really has nothing to do with that, as opposed to an album like "roots" by sepultura, which was...
  14. W

    Best album of the year?

    Porcupine Tree - In Absentia Although this doesn't have that much to do with metal. And yes, I have Opeth's Deliverance (who would win if it was a metal-only contest)
  15. W

    Katatonia- Brave Murder Day

    You're out of your mind. Silent Enigma, along with Pentacost III, is Anathema's best album from their metal period. I can't speak for their new stuff because I don't like it, but if you like doom/death metal, these are some of the best albums offered.
  16. W

    Opeth - Deliverance

    generally a good review though i didn't finish it cuz i think reviews should stay somewhat short, and i hate when people give a rundown of every single song. But Opeth are not black metal! They are nothing close to black metal! So STOP CALLING THEM BLACK METAL!
  17. W

    Most dissapointing cd of 2002

    I'm gonna go with master's apprentice here... there's not really a word to describe how idiotic this comment is.
  18. W

    Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse

    Are you serious? Opeth is one of the most dynamic, unrepetetive, creative metal bands out there! Only a small portion of extreme metal fans don't like Opeth, and I honestly don't understand why.
  19. W

    Expectations for Damnation

    I keep reading in interviews that it's not going to be like all the soft parts from the previous albums as I initially expected, but that it's fundamentally DIFFERENT from anything they've ever done, and very 70's prog style. This excites me. Of course whenever you try something new it's not...
  20. W

    opeth and tool

    This is moronic. Get lives. This happens at every controversial post. The first couple pages are fine, then two or more people get into a battle of 'wits' where they really just show how insecure they are, and my outlook on our species drops a little more... and by the way...listen to the...