Search results

  1. Johann von Marck

    Mumm Ra discussion (Cont'd).

    Refusing to go down with the ship... We never finished our discussion of the Thunder Cats Mumm Ra. Was he an Edie rip off, or ? Also, prove me wrong. I maintain that Snarff from the Thunder Cats is singing in the third verse of the Thompson Twins, Hold Me Now. We need to...
  2. Johann von Marck

    More Sad News, RIP Swan

    I will stop by next time I'm there, thanks for info.
  3. Johann von Marck

    More Sad News, RIP Swan

    What cemetery is he at? I was up there a month ago, took my dads ashes to a mountain top lake near there.
  4. Johann von Marck

    CD Review - Symbol of Salvation (Reissue)

    No personal items were allowed, at least when I was in.
  5. Johann von Marck

    CD Review - Symbol of Salvation (Reissue)

    Of of the CD's I smuggled into basic training.
  6. Johann von Marck

    Ultimate Metal is dying

    The gear page was going good for a while, but FB killed it all.
  7. Johann von Marck

    Your last travel setlist

    Move to LA, and you can get them 24/7 on the hour, every hour.
  8. Johann von Marck

    Japan blows my mind again

    Instead of Battle of Britain, Battle of Midway?
  9. Johann von Marck

    Heading to Northern California and Hollywooooood!

    Always a good time at Theoradinos. Looking forward to it.
  10. Johann von Marck

    Tribute Band

    Ok, cool. Good luck.
  11. Johann von Marck

    Tribute Band

    I'm a little confused, your band currently is an Arch Allies tribute band?
  12. Johann von Marck

    Always the class act.

    Short from PBS, Bruce wearing the Remembrance poppy lapel pin for those service members who gave their lives in war.
  13. Johann von Marck

    Maiden Tunes

    If my suggested song is picked, I believe I should be flown to Europe to hear it first at an exclusive sound check with complementary Trooper beer served to me by both Eddie and the Devil characters, in costume as well as the show. Also, I will be allowed to play the part of Clint Eastwood in...
  14. Johann von Marck

    TIMs Summer Schedule \m/

    Rock N Roll Kitchen, sounds like a cooking show I would like to watch.
  15. Johann von Marck

    So,it's London only again...

    I thought my posts were the lamest? I will have to work harder, for example I still maintain that Snarf from Thundercats is singing near the end of Thompson Twins "Hold me now". Opinions?
  16. Johann von Marck

    Epic battle

    Actual battle footage starting at 2:50
  17. Johann von Marck

    Epic battle

    I've been to a few Iron Maidens shows, and have seen both the devil and Eddie on stage. I for the most part like to hang back in the shadows, not bothering anyone etc., however this time I have a request. Since both the devil and Eddie are present at most shows, I would like to see both on...
  18. Johann von Marck

    So,it's London only again...

    The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. Would this be along the same paradox as The wrong key in the right keyhole?
  19. Johann von Marck

    Death to the humans!

    Anyone down with Compressorhead? I hear Maiden tunes are next. Drummer has 4 arms, however they don't say much. My audition with them for singer didn't go too well. They said I had too much emotion.
  20. Johann von Marck

    Happy Holidays!

    Hang on, must consult Google translate... Welcome.