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  1. W

    What happened to this forum?

    i think most guys learned what they needed to learn and went and started careers and don't really have time for forums anymore. all the older guys, ola, lasse, ermz, they all have pretty full schedules and full time careers now. there's been a lot of good that has come BECAUSE of this forum, and...
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    Bass Amp Sim?

    overloud mark bass 2. its awesome.
  3. W

    Facebook Groups

    i usually hate shameless self promotion on forums, i don't know why, it just seems like the wrong place to me, but you asked so... this is my current project this is the band that i have toured the most with...
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    Facebook Groups

    facebook is annoying. i use it mainly for band promotion or else i wouldn't have one. if you're in an active band you have to have all the goddamn social networking bullshit or else you will not be heard. it sucks but thats the nature of the beast. i will say that this isn't just SOME GROUP...
  5. W

    Facebook Groups this seems to be the place nowadays. not trying to kill a forum or anything, just trying to spread the wealth and extend an olive branch to other guys. there's a lot of sneapers on there as well. it's a pretty incredible place.
  6. W

    Mixing With Your Mind

    never even heard of it. thanks for the heads up.
  7. W

    What happened to this forum?

    feels like its become less about trading ideas and nerding out and more about trying to get clients, or subscriptions to your mixing blog, youtube channel etc. i came here looking to learn cool tricks and bounce ideas off of people, which i have done and its been awesome, don't get me wrong. i...
  8. W

    Stop double tracking! this pedal will be your savior

    i swear, that misha dude will endorse the worst shit.
  9. W

    iPad DAW for sending out midi?

    cause he wanted an "OPINION" from others. not just his own "RESEARCH". still posting before you think first, eh. keep it up.
  10. W

    The dust has settled... Positive Grid Amp?

    to each his own i guess. i can get good tones out of it. what're you doing wrong?
  11. W

    The dust has settled... Positive Grid Amp?

    its very meh. you have to do a lot to it in order to get it to sound half way decent and then you put it in a mix, mix it down and compare it to other songs and go "jesus, my guitars sound like ass." very muddy, controls are weird and not what they seem. i don't hate it, i just don't love it...
  12. W

    DiMarzio Titan

    very tight. gets you that dead stop chunk on palm mutes instead a flabby thud. i still have yet to hear a pickup that fits me more than an evolution.
  13. W

    Overheads very high frequencies

    "Yes, upload a clip so we can help. I'd start by surgical EQ cuts and saturation to smooth the high frequencies. Also there's no problem with low-passing the OH, then you can add brightness with saturation, EQ, compressor... If the tracks are really bad, so consider having the OH pretty low in...
  14. W

    DiMarzio Titan

    the titans have a "stiffness" in the low mids that is distracting, while the evolutions have a beautifully balanced mid range. i like a mid forward guitar sound and they just sit right in the pocket for me. its not too forward so that it takes away from the lows and the highs, it sits in there...
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    DiMarzio Titan

    that was what i felt as well. i mean, they are designed for that new "progessive metal" 7 string, 8 string, 9 string guitar scene, but i think it might have been a little gimmicky. i had cash to burn and i was looking for a new pickup for my 7 string so i took a chance. i don't HATE it, but it's...
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    DiMarzio Titan

    nothin eh?
  17. W

    DiMarzio Titan

    here have a DI and hear for yourself
  18. W

    DiMarzio Titan

    i have tried it in a 7 string, and its......ok. it almost has too much of a mid peak. its pretty tight but i find that it has a little bit too much twang when i go down to the lower notes and my lowest note is G. theres almost no thump to it, its all twang, im kinda considering trying something...
  19. W

    Guitar tracks editing: searching Beat Detective tutorials.

    honestly, that kind of stuff is better done manually. if you want to continue trying it with beat detective i totally support and understand that, but it usually taken me more time going through and finding spaces where beat detective mangled things than it would have just doing it by hand. in...
  20. W

    Peavey 5150 Woes

    5150s do bias very cold when they are stock. that resistor he changed is the bias resistor and he modded it to run the tubes hotter, it sounds like. 30ma and around there is usually where you put it when you do a bias mod to a 5150. if you like the amp how it is stock then tell him to change it...