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  1. Darth Kur

    Dio vs. Ozzy?

    Dio. From 1957 to present, always in top form.
  2. Darth Kur

    Nuclear Assault's new album

    Unfortunately, it's mostly bland and generic sounding. I've yet to discover one single memorable part in it. Very disappointing.
  3. Darth Kur


    I always figured it was a double track of Tom.
  4. Darth Kur

    Di'Anno on Bruce and Blaze: "f*cking fairy" and "sh*t"

    What a stuck-up, arrogant, self-aggrandizing, chauvinist prick. Paul comes off sounding like a drunken, overly macho teenager. Sure thinks very highly of himself doesn't he? I guess someone has to. :grin:
  5. Darth Kur

    Novembers Doom - Complete discography?

    Hey Paul, just wondering if you've had any luck in unearthing those old tracks?
  6. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    Smegma, the only thing you clarified is that you fit the bill of the stereotypical lemming that, when given proof that contradicts what the jewsmedia has been force feeding him, will in turn react with baseless anger, childish retorts and indignation.
  7. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    Your statement proves that you believe that negro's are in fact inferior yet you mock my intelligence gathering capabilities and the information presented. You are either very confused and a complete hypocrite. On a side note your user name hints at homosexuality so perhaps your sense of...
  8. Darth Kur

    Kerrang interview with $haron

    $haron comes off sounding like a petulant 12 year old brat. She has the gall to admit to her wrong doings but yet is proud of them, again in a very childish way. Plus the comment about Dio was completely out of line. She proves to be more of a scum bag each time she opens her mouth.
  9. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    Here's another interesting fact: O'Reilly was talking about the "urban menace" in New Orleans and how dangerous it is there because of them. He then went over to a reporter in Biloxi to ask if it was dangerous there too. The reporter replied "no, everyone has been really nice and helpful...
  10. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    There are several studies that have been done on that subject, this is one of them: Dec. 13, 1994 Wall Street Journal p A18 Mainstream Science on Intelligence Since the publication of The Bell Curve, many commentators have offered opinions about human intelligence that misstate current...
  11. Darth Kur

    Fucking Right!

    Heh heh....amusing. That poor dog. :grin:
  12. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    It's a matter of ratio, plain and simple. And Dodens, you could not be more incorrect. The media goes out of it's way to hide black on white crimes and on the other had portray the negro as a "poor oppressed victim". Frankly I'm shocked that the scenes of looting are being broadcast at all. I...
  13. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    I think the true nature of the negro is being expressed en-masse in New Orleans at this very moment. At the slightest opportunity blacks will revert to the "way of the jungle", lawlessness and savagery. There has not been one single white looter observed. While taking food, water and needed...
  14. Darth Kur

    Mercyful Fate - Melissa re-release

    I've never cared for that myself. I much prefer the original mix of the album. Hopefully it'll be restored to it's former state with this new one. The DVD is the really important item like you all said. I have a couple old MF bootleg videos from that era but they are of rather bad quality. It'll...
  15. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    ^^^ Oh what a shock that you would think so. I believe in only what I can find inarguable proof of. All of the facts stated on those sites can be looked up and verified by various sources. I've said all I'm going to say about it. If you think I'm presenting falsified evidence then make...
  16. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    My racial awareness and comments relating to such is only "inconsequential" to fools and lemmings. And furthermore, judging one's intelligence based upon their chosen political beliefs is quite childish. Either way I don't give a damn about your nor Dodens Grav's or any other of the assorted...
  17. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    Uh-huh, thus speaks the "intellectual" that can not be bothered to utilize proper English nor can take the time to capitalize where it is called for. Do us all a favor, you goofy looking twat, whenever you feel the urge to make some moronic statement such as above, chose to shut the fuck up instead.
  18. Darth Kur

    Mayhem and Impaled Nazarene a bunch of racistfuckers?

    Oh boo-hoo, Hellhammer and co. might have something against yard apes, hebes and other misc muds. Who gives a shit? Liberal pussies like "Snowy" need to wake the hell up to reality or kill themselves. The fewer "PC" lemmings on this earth the better.
  19. Darth Kur

    Novembers Doom - Complete discography?

    That's excellent. To tell the truth I'm shocked as hell I found them as well. Thanks for the info, man. I can't wait to hear the others.
  20. Darth Kur

    Novembers Doom - Complete discography?

    I've had a streak of good fortune of late. I found and dl'ed Demo # 3 (7 inch) - Laceration - Ripping Avulsion and three out of the four tracks from Demo # 2 - Laceration - Scabs. I like them a lot and am dieing to get the rest that I'm lacking from the list below. I know that some of those...