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  1. Paschalis I.

    Amplitube 3 Metal Preset Download - 5150 Tone

    In the description I have included the band's riff of course :)
  2. Paschalis I.

    Amplitube 3 Metal Preset Download - 5150 Tone

    Hello there guys, I have created a preset I believe it sounds pretty good in the mix so I thought to share it with ya :) Let me know if you like it, you can download it for $0 here Take care ^^
  3. Paschalis I.

    Amplitube 3 Metal Preset Download - 5150 Tone

    please delete this post wrong sub-forum, I am sorry I posted it to the right sub-forum here
  4. Paschalis I.

    Amplitube 3 Metal Preset Download - 5150 Tone

    Hello there guys, I have created a preset I believe it sounds pretty good in the mix so I thought to share it with ya :) Let me know if you like it, you can download it for $0 Take care ^^
  5. Paschalis I.

    Reamping Good or Bad?

    Re-amping is neither good or bad. It's just taking the DI signal and adding an amp/cabinet combo to the sound. You can determine if the re-amp is considered to be good if you add a good tone to the DI sound just you like you would have done with simple recording. In short, reamping is a...
  6. Paschalis I.

    New book: Mixing Heavy Music

    Good luck with your book! :)
  7. Paschalis I.

    How to get a huge snare sound in a mix?

    EQ, compression and reverb (plate mostly). I also use a limiter especially on the reverb. And as always, your source sound must be perfect before any post-process (sample or mic'ed must be of quality)
  8. Paschalis I.

    Drum replacement requirements...

    +1 for Slate trigger
  9. Paschalis I.

    Mastering a track to be streamed on Soundcloud and bandcamp.

    Just master your track just like you would master it anyway. I mean, master it for a WAV file or/and a 320kbps mp3 file. Play the files. Do you like them? That's it you're done. I can't understand why so many people on the internet ask those kind of questions... You should not master...
  10. Paschalis I.

    Drum replacement for midi drums

    Slate trigger from me. I use superior drummer for everything except the kick and snare (where I use samples, SSD most of the time) and it sounds awesome!
  11. Paschalis I.

    Lead guitar on metal

    Keep it simple during recording. Get a tone that you love and work from there, don't over-compensate stuff. During mixing, basic EQ, compression and a bit of delay and you're 99% there.
  12. Paschalis I.

    new pc please help

    Go for i7 6700k and 16gb of ram. Also add a mediocre dedicated graphics card (do not use the onboard one). Consider a good motherboard too and you'll be fine, that's the most important stuff you should consider for a music production pc :) If you want to have a gaming experience go for a 970...
  13. Paschalis I.

    what khz and bit rate do you record at and why?

    44.1 - 24/bit the industry standard. I can go up to 48Khz if it's a really serious project that will include a video, but then again I am perfectly fine with 44.1 again too. Anything less can be heard (in a bad way) anything more than that I don't believe it's worth it. This is just my humble...
  14. Paschalis I.

    how to make a bass line cut throught the mix

    Hey there, just add a layer with shi*ton of saturation and blend it in the mix while the whole mix is playing. Don't worry if it sounds shitty if you hear the bass alone, metal productions have way more distortion than you may think. [google - lamb of god bass stems only - and you'll see what...
  15. Paschalis I.

    Add more aggression to miced Guitars

    Make sure you use a decent guitar with decent pickups and strings. If the DI track sounds good then you might as well experiment with different amps and cabs and get the result you're looking for. Tube screamer can work wonders too prior to your amp head. I know I love my green pedal ^^
  16. Paschalis I.

    Getting loud master without clipping

    Make sure to compress/limit your group tracks too. You can't expect having tons of non-musical peaks in your mix and a simple limiter at the end of your chain to do all the hard work right? :) I mean, consider compression in series, not only in 1 track-wise but in your whole console...