Search results

  1. MikeyZ

    Luca Stricagnoli plays Iron Maiden

    I didn't know that this, or any, style of three-neck guitar was a thing. Anyway, I was impressed enough to overlook the possibility that I'm talking into a vacuum, and post this link: Cheers, MikeyZ
  2. MikeyZ

    Ultimate Metal is dying

    Lots of lurkers are still here (you can tell by the view count of each post), but it's rare these days to see either a new post or continuing thread. And when someone does post, they need to be patient for a reply. While it might be comforting to think that there's "another board" that people...
  3. MikeyZ

    Your last travel setlist

    Board is slow again, so I thought I'd stir up more trouble. I'm curious what Maiden(s) fans listen to (presumably along with IM). To that end, I'll hold up for consideration the last setlist I played while on travel, and invite others to do the same. In no particular order: Iron Maiden...
  4. MikeyZ

    Any suprise holiday cheer?

    So last year, the Maidens closed out KLOS' Reinbeer Games at Slidebar, following an awesome show at the Tiki in Costa Mesa. It was a fun and unexpected surprise to see the back-to-back shows. I was chagrined to miss last weekend's Tiki experience, and unfortunately my prospects for Tarzana on...
  5. MikeyZ

    Maiden Tunes

    I've been to lots of your shows in the past two years, and I don't believe I have every heard you play Powerslave. Set list in the sticky thread says you've played it before. Maybe I've just been unlucky and missed it. I also like Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter, but I acknowledge that...
  6. MikeyZ

    TIMs Summer Schedule \m/

    Linda, about what time do you think you'll take the stage at Gaslamp?
  7. MikeyZ

    Kids react to Iron Maiden

    Seems lightening the intensity of the music helps a bit. About the hardest stuff she's found agreeable is Alice Cooper: I caught her in the back seat of the car air-guitaring to "School's Out" when it was on the radio. AC/DC is a good idea; I'll give them a try.
  8. MikeyZ

    Kids react to Iron Maiden

    Those two, "The Number of the Beast," "Two Minutes to Midnight," "Aces High," "Rime of the Ancient Mariner," "Run to the Hills," and I even thought I'd inject a sense of twisted irony by playing "Bring your Daughter to the Slaughter" (I didn't bother to explain the lyrics :yow:). Plus, I took...
  9. MikeyZ

    Kids react to Iron Maiden

    I would have too, thirty years ago. But some time between then and now, I had kids of my own. And they have a funny way of changing your perspective.
  10. MikeyZ

    Kids react to Iron Maiden

    I hope so. There are only a handful of standard bearers under forty, and someone's got to keep the ship afloat when we're gone. Probably part innate and part twist if I had to guess. With my daughter it started with a disdain for (or at least an indifference to) modern pop (that's the innate...
  11. MikeyZ

    Kids react to Iron Maiden

    Board is slow this summer, so I thought I'd throw in another wrench just for fun. This link is part of the "Kids React To" series on YouTube. Three weeks ago they released a new video on kids' reactions to Iron Maiden. As a dad with a 10yo daughter, I've seen her react similarly to the kids...
  12. MikeyZ

    So,it's London only again...

    No alimente al gnomo.
  13. MikeyZ

    Family Metal Night

    I've had a string of random musings swirling in my brain over the course of not quite a month now, all part of my plan to see the Maidens et al, at the Gaslamp in Long Beach. Thought I'd share. It all started innocently enough about three weeks ago, with an e-mail to my division at work...
  14. MikeyZ

    Gaslamp March 18th

    Woo hoo! :) If your policy of accepting alcohol from groupies is accommodating, I'd be honored to offer a libation as a thank-you. What's your pleasure?
  15. MikeyZ

    Gaslamp March 18th

    But of course :) If four isn't too much trouble, I'm sure I can put them all to good use. Thanks again, Linda. You rock (literally and figuratively).
  16. MikeyZ

    Gaslamp March 18th

    :yow: Really? :yow: Uh, please and thank you!! :) Let me know what info you need to make it happen. If you need personal info beyond my profile, then send me a PM at mikeyz3 at yahoo dot com.
  17. MikeyZ

    Gaslamp March 18th

    For the upcoming show at Gaslamp in Long Beach, I see the doors open at 6 and the show starts at 7, but I'm guessing this is one of those "lots of bands ahead of the headliner" type of evening. What time do the Maidens take the stage? Are we looking at a one-band-per-hour sort of thing until...
  18. MikeyZ

    The Final Problem

    Okay, I found a nine-second clip on YouTube. Unfortunately, there's not enough context so I'll describe it below: A drone carrying a motion-sensing grenade has just entered through a window and is landing in the center of the living area in 221B Baker street. Sherlock, Mycroft and Watson are...
  19. MikeyZ

    The Final Problem

    Still looking for a clip to post. Describing it won't do justice to the scene. I'll get back to you with the tune if my search fails :)
  20. MikeyZ

    The Final Problem

    (Was curious about the Venn diagram, so I thought I'd poke the bear) Anyone catch the track Mrs. Hudson was vacuuming to in Sherlock last night? -Mike