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  1. Gargamel Bojangles

    Napalm Death

    Favorite Napalm Death album? For me it's a tie between Harmony Corruption and Smear Campaign
  2. Gargamel Bojangles

    Nuclear Assault

    I just found a Nuclear Assault concert from 2015 on YouTube. They sound just as good as they did 30 years ago. Possibly the best band from the thrash metal era
  3. Gargamel Bojangles

    Napalm Death

    I have heard tracks for mentally murdered on Pandora, I like what I've heard so far. But it's hard to talk Harmony Corruption. That was a brilliant album
  4. Gargamel Bojangles

    Napalm Death

    Lately I've been listening to Napalm Death Harmony Corruption and Utopia Banished. These two albums are quite exceptional. In my opinion the death metal genre is pretty hit-and-miss but these two albums are the textbook definition of Kick-Ass
  5. Gargamel Bojangles

    Jello Biafra

    I just vaguely remember that song..I'll have to check it out
  6. Gargamel Bojangles

    Jello Biafra

    I was a huge fan of Dead Kennedys back in High school. I think his political insight was uncanny to have been written before the age of Internet. I came across some more recent stuff he did with a band called The Guantanamo School of Medicine. It's really goodd stuff..He also did some good...
  7. Gargamel Bojangles


    Cannibal Corpse did a good cover of Seek and Destroy
  8. Gargamel Bojangles


    Yes this is actually pretty horrendous. I think musically Cradle of Filth is actually a pretty good band but it's just their vocalist is terrible. If they just had a better vocalist they will probably be one of my favorite bands.... I think I still have cruelty in the beast around here...
  9. Gargamel Bojangles


    I'm not a big fan of Cradle of Filth but they did a pretty decent cover of hollow be thy name
  10. Gargamel Bojangles


    Speaking of Slayer, their cover of Born to Be Wild was just horrendous.
  11. Gargamel Bojangles


    Let's talk about covers, good ones bad ones....from epic to terrible. .... I recently heard James Maynards cover of Heart Shaped's horrendous His cover of Imagine was epic.
  12. Gargamel Bojangles

    Religious freedom?

    I know plenty of people who are not religious but are still opposed to abortion.
  13. Gargamel Bojangles

    Alice Cooper

    He is such a multifaceted singer. I have heard some of his albums that I didn't particularly care for but I believe his music offers a little something for everyone
  14. Gargamel Bojangles

    Alice Cooper

    I've always been a fan of Alice Cooper because every album he does is something entirely different. However, I wonder if he realizes that venomous poison is a linguistic contradiction as venom and poison are two entirely different things
  15. Gargamel Bojangles

    Religious freedom?

    If I were to convert to spongebobism and live according to the principles of Spongebob then that would be a religion
  16. Gargamel Bojangles

    Religious freedom?

    - it is a set of principles upon which you live your life. There is even satanic bible with a list of commandments. That would be a religion
  17. Gargamel Bojangles

    Religious freedom?

    You have contradicted yourself because Satanism is indeed a religion but yet you said all religion is bad
  18. Gargamel Bojangles

    Religious freedom?

    An atheist is thinking of converting back to Satanism? Isnt this oxymoronic?... anyway I know that there have been many atrocities committed in the name of religion but I don't think it's fair to blame all religion just because people misuse it. Pretty sure I've never heard of a Buddhist killing...
  19. Gargamel Bojangles

    Mentality of a beginning metalhead.

    I remember I used to be a big fan of the punk scene but what turned me off is that everyone was so more punk than thou. Like I'm so much cooler than you because I'm wearing a t-shirt of some obscure band that no one's ever heard of