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  1. H.P. Lovecraft

    RIP Fast Eddie Clark of Motorhead

    By far one of metal's most underrated guitar legends. Guy could pull bluesy metal riffs out of his ass. Also, what he could do with just a couple pentatonic scales is indescribably clever. Most guitarists wish they could manipulate those scales with a hand 1/3 as deft as his. Blew my eardrums out.
  2. H.P. Lovecraft

    RIP Fast Eddie Clark of Motorhead

    Yes. Dave King of Flogging Molly on vocals too. First 2-3 albums are great.
  3. H.P. Lovecraft

    A Farewell To Kings

    Don't wring your fingers about it.
  4. H.P. Lovecraft

    A Farewell To Kings

    Keith Emerson's skull will remember that.
  5. H.P. Lovecraft

    Metal 2018

    The new Priest utterly rips so far. I am slamming my payment on the front desk the day that record drops. Some new Thor too? Yes, please.
  6. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    There's overselling, and then there's Ric Flair, good God.
  7. H.P. Lovecraft

    Labels that have fallen from grace

    They did. Century is basically a handful of underground legends like Coroner, Dark Funeral, and Napalm Death, and then a whole lot of nobodies roster wise right now.
  8. H.P. Lovecraft

    Labels that have fallen from grace

    A lot of horseshit, but there's some good ones in there. Jethro Tull, Karl Sanders, Krokus, Fear, The Zombies (yes, those Zombies, the same Zombies who rival The Beatles).
  9. H.P. Lovecraft

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    I'm picturing Jon Lord using his B3 like a flak cannon while violently shaking it like he usually did and wearing a Rambo bandana and a blood soaked face.
  10. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    Once again, nothing to do with consensus, they are not metal by the faintest of technicalities, consensus or not.
  11. H.P. Lovecraft


    Shhh. Don't tell Lars... He can smell your illegal copies.
  12. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    Hell Awaits was originally a Christmas record, as the rare bootleg scrap of lyrics, "With the High Santa awaiting, candy cane in hand, spilling the pure cranberry sauce" proves, but was turned into the Satanic glam metal opus we know today after Hanneman decided to prove to his mom that it...
  13. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    Patti Smith's 1959 collaboration with Glenn Danzig, entitled The Skulls of Rock and Roll African Americans, is credited with pioneering folk metal.
  14. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    Tokyo Blade in named for Godzilla severing the French capital city in half with his phallus.
  15. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    I thought it was Paul Di'Anno, but it turns out he was with The Kinks.
  16. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    Varg Vikernes played bass for Mayhem under the pseudonym Count Grishnackh.
  17. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    Contrary to popular opinion, The Marvelettes were not the first thrash metal band.
  18. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    Tony Iommi frets his chords harder because two of his fingertips are artificial. Black Sabbath were formed in 1968. Influences on metal include the MC5, Blue Cheer, Alice Cooper, and Gustav Holst.
  19. H.P. Lovecraft

    Uncontroversial opinions on metal

    Dave Mustaine from Iron Maiden is my favorite tuba virtuoso.