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  1. José Renato

    Other albuns on Streaming Services

    Thanks for your replay. So, I did a search on google play using a proxy and then I could see the albuns.. Like you said, Its a region restriction. But, who defines this restriction? The label that distributes the albuns of SymphonyX? I sent a e-mail do Google but until now I didnt have a...
  2. José Renato

    Metal! And... that's enough

    Metal! And... that's enough
  3. José Renato

    Other albuns on Streaming Services

    Hi there. In my first post here, I'd like to know why the other Albuns were removed from the streaming services. Currently in Google Play Music, there are just 3 full albuns (Underwolrd, Iconoclast and V: The New Mythology Suite). I remember that before the release of Underwolrd all the...