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  1. Xpyro125

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    Drumeo videos are always a treat, can’t wait to watch this. Edit: Autocorrect fucked me over
  2. Xpyro125

    Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

    Absolutely love this, gonna be listening to it a ton for a while. We got another “I don’t want” chorus, fellas, and at this point it really does feel like Stanne’s reading what we’re saying because there’s a lot of them in this chorus. Still absolutely love the song, though it definitely...
  3. Xpyro125

    Dark Tranquillity - New Album "Endtime Signals" out 2024-08-16

    Really enjoyed the song, definitely one I see myself listening to more of than The Last Imagination. Definitely surprised me to see a new single since I follow them in didn’t see anything. Can’t really complain here.
  4. Xpyro125

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they were recording music for a third album/EP after the second album— And if they are, good on them, it’s nice to see people with such excitement and commitment to a project. I personally wouldn’t have done that before the second album’s reception’s come in, but they...
  5. Xpyro125

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    Music video’s out now, haven’t watched it yet.
  6. Xpyro125

    Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

    I can’t put my finger on the exact genre and era I’m feeling here (Some sort of 90s-2000s heavy metal/hard rock), but this has a sound that I’m seriously nostalgic for and think would’ve done really well back then. I really enjoyed it— I especially love hearing the bass so clearly in the mix. I...
  7. Xpyro125

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    You know what, I enjoyed that a lot more than I expected. I wish the guitars did more and that there was some sort of cool solo (Even a synth solo), but I’ll just chock this much up to lead single syndrome. It’s nothing world-shattering, but I’m definitely gonna buy it. It just felt good to...
  8. Xpyro125

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    Chaoszine has an article on what details have been revealed so far— Which isn’t really much aside from the members and subgenre. The band has a Facebook and Instagram page, but those don’t have much aside from what’s said above, as well as an 11 second YouTube video on their channel. The...
  9. Xpyro125

    Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

    Aside from the vocals, the best way I can describe what it sounds like to me is that it feels like if old Sevendust leaned into groove metal. It didn’t quite grip me, but I might give it a couple more listens and see if that changes.
  10. Xpyro125

    Dark Tranquillity - New Album "Endtime Signals" out 2024-08-16

    I think I gave the biggest defense of Haven here, and that was with an equal amount of criticism at that. I don’t think it sucks, but it is undeniably horribly flawed. I’m not gonna go on a ramble defending WATV. Iridium is my favorite DT song, yeah, but that was cut from Fiction, which really...
  11. Xpyro125

    Dark Tranquillity - New Album "Endtime Signals" out 2024-08-16

    (Don’t know how to put a quote in a quote as a quote here, just know I was trying to quote mindd’s quoting of this) "Welcome to the world of DARK TRANQUILLITY once again," the band says. "It's been a while since 'Moment' and we've gone through quite a lot in order to end up where we find...
  12. Xpyro125

    Dark Tranquillity - New Album "Endtime Signals" out 2024-08-16

    Haven’s guitars are generally completely fucking boring and have little to no technicality to them (Same with the drums, for the most part)— I actually quite like the album, but not because it’s a good melodeath album. It’s very keyboard-focused, and the bass is seriously high up in the mix...
  13. Xpyro125

    Dark Tranquillity - New Album "Endtime Signals" out 2024-08-16

    Everyone pretty much said what I felt, i think the only disagreement I have with what was said is that I’m definitely more partial to the THE singles— It’s not that I don’t love this, the groove of the verses and the Fiction-style chorus is right up my alley, but it’s just missing something. The...
  14. Xpyro125

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    I get the feeling DZ was to return as a studio-only band with Jesper, the drummer, and Andreas from Amaranthe on vocals, but yeah, the rest is (the lack of) history.
  15. Xpyro125

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    I haven’t gone back and listened to much love from that era, but from the little that I have seen… I don’t think Anders’ vocals would’ve done the classic songs justice then, especially not compared to now. I saw OFTW and Cloud Connected at Rock AM Ring, and that’s all I needed to know. I guess...
  16. Xpyro125

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    This is pretty much how I feel too. I’ll be completely honest, I get why there are the criticisms about Foregone not having much representation in the setlist, but I’m not complaining in the ducking slightest. Oh no, we’re missing their newer, more boring barely not deathcore songs in exchange...
  17. Xpyro125

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    So I went on iTunes and found this. What a fucking cash grab by the label. If you’re going to release a bonus version with just one extra track way after the initial release, at least give us instrumental versions of all the tracks as well, it’s not that difficult.
  18. Xpyro125

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    It’s forgettable, and I don’t remember if I liked it or not back when the album released.
  19. Xpyro125

    New album Foregone out February 2023

    That’s really refreshing to hear, even if it doesn’t change my mind on it— Which yeah, was never the point. I do genuinely like hearing people getting a ton out of the album when their reasoning has merit (So not the usual YouTube comment on their music videos) when I haven’t, especially coming...
  20. Xpyro125

    The Halo Effect - New Album 2023/2024

    I’ve been pretty favorable to the material— I wasn’t excited for The Defiant One in the least after its live debut, but the studio version made me a fan, and I’ve always loved Become Surrender. I am one of the people who’s asking for a bit more from them, but it’s less of reinventing the wheel...