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  1. Brooks

    say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

    This guy is penetrating my heart.
  2. Brooks

    Happy birthday, Kevin!

  3. Brooks

    say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

    Nice. I've been cranking the living pisstwat out of this lately. Krigz ain't gonna like it.
  4. Brooks

    what CD'S: bands are need for a long trip haul by car.....

    what the fuck is a cd
  5. Brooks

    say something about ... yourself!

    Just made a Power Hour mix for my friend Nick's upcoming birthday. The way it works: 60 drinks in 60 minutes. Every 60 seconds, the song changes, and you have to DRINK. It works out to about 7.5 beers in an hour (assuming each drink is 1.5oz, 90oz in an hour, 12oz cans), enough to get the...
  6. Brooks

    The most beautiful song you've ever heard

    It's raining, and this is the song.
  7. Brooks

    say something about ... yourself!

    Ahem. Gay porn.
  8. Brooks

    Jeff Loomis - Plains of Oblivion

    Clip sounds awesome. I give that man too much shit, he's a badass freak.
  9. Brooks

    say something about ... yourself!

    Apparently, James Hetfield was at the Ghost show last night at BOTH that I didn't go to. Fuck. I want to high five that man's right hand.
  10. Brooks

    Which classic songs would you like to see a local band cover?

    We used to cover Domination by Pantera, Disciple by Slayer, and Symbolic by Death. They all went over well.
  11. Brooks

    say something about ... yourself!

    Never played one! But simple is my modus operandi, and an amp like this looks like anything but. Check this out. VERELLEN SKYHAMMER
  12. Brooks

    Jeff Loomis - Plains of Oblivion

    I bet it's gonna have NOETZ
  13. Brooks

    say something about ... yourself!

    Depends on what you're going for. If you want high gain, searing shredding lead, modern high-fi metal, then yeah, ENGL's hard to beat... However if you're more into.... ...THEN CRANK YOUR ONE CHANNEL BEAST, SLAM IT WITH FUZZ FILLED OVERDRIVE, FIRE UP AND PRAISE THE DIETY
  14. Brooks

    say something about ... yourself!

    About to sell my beloved ENGL SE E670, which means.... TIME TO GO AMP SHOPPING! Going from a 4 channel, MIDI empowered, digitally controlled, space-station of an amp, I think it's time to get back to basics and go for something simple. Where the gain comes from slamming the thing into...
  15. Brooks

    how long can you take this crap?

    Pop Star's Single, 'Booty Wave', Most Likely Civilization's Downfall One of the best Onion videos I've seen yet.
  16. Brooks

    Kate Beckinsale

    This thread needs MOAR LATEX
  17. Brooks

    post your sexy pics here

    So, you gonna buy a Jeep or what?
  18. Brooks

    post your sexy pics here

  19. Brooks

    post your sexy pics here

    From Polihale Beach, the westernmost beach in Kauai.
  20. Brooks

    say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

    While staying away from Swiss beer.