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  1. Ellfish

    On the back of the Brave Murder Day CD

    Oh I see thanks, fair enough then.
  2. Ellfish

    On the back of the Brave Murder Day CD

    Yeah I have the CD and it is impossible to read it from that, but I was wondering if... Anders might know? :grin:
  3. Ellfish

    On the back of the Brave Murder Day CD Does anyone know what the sheet music is on the piano? I wonder if it has any significance, and if so it would be interesting to check out.
  4. Ellfish

    What site sells the Live Damage DVD in PAL format?

    Hi, I'm looking to buy the Live Damage DVD but I live in a PAL country (zone 4). Does anyone know of any sites that sell it in PAL format? Is it even avaliable in PAL format? Thanks.
  5. Ellfish

    Do you know where to get good The Haunted wallpaper?

    Thanks but that site only has one which I've already seen. I've actually made my own one already. If you want to check it out go here
  6. Ellfish

    Do you know where to get good The Haunted wallpaper?

    This forum isn't very active is it?
  7. Ellfish

    favourite haunted album

    Definitley s/t, I love all their albums but s/t stands out above the rest.
  8. Ellfish

    Do you know where to get good The Haunted wallpaper?

    Hi, I'm looking for some good The Haunted wallpaper. Anyone know of any sites, preferably with the self titled album in a high resolution? Thanks.
  9. Ellfish

    this annoys the hell out of me

    *Also sighs*
  10. Ellfish

    Worst Day Ever

    Athletics day at my school is a joke. Me and my friends just sit down all day and listen to metal. You're supposed to enter at least one event so we just do one and then practically sleep the rest of the time. :)
  11. Ellfish

    Official Off Topic Thread

    Good for you Mr. Shreddy. And Pharoah, that's just damn freaky, if I was you I would have gotten in the car and driven as far away from that place as possible.
  12. Ellfish

    Favorite Symphony X Chorus??

    Church of the Machine is really catchy, and Awakenings is just awesome.
  13. Ellfish

    Official Off Topic Thread

    Hey Yngvai X, have you played Eternal Darkness? That and Metroid Prime are some of my favorite games ever.
  14. Ellfish

    Least favorite song on The Divine Wings Of Tragedy?

    I chose The Witching Hour. I actually like the song but compared to all the others it's not as good. And who is the villain that chose The Divine Wings of Tragedy? Maybe they thought they were voting for the best song, lol.
  15. Ellfish

    odissey limeited edition

    Ooh! Me me me! Pick me!
  16. Ellfish

    game music

    My friend has a song on his computer called Symphony X - Castlevania - The Requiem of Gods. If this hasn't been incorrectly named then these rumours could be true, but I'm not sure if it really is Symphony X.
  17. Ellfish

    The "Now Playing" topic

    I can't get over how cool this song is, I especially love the drums in the intro.
  18. Ellfish

    Your most hated metal albums!!

    I don't see what's so bad about Reroute to Remain. Sure, it's not as good as their other albums but that doesn't make it crap. Well that's in my opinion anyway.
  19. Ellfish


    Hello, I'm fairly new myself.
  20. Ellfish

    I just found the first Symphony X CD USED!

    The CD's that I buy don't seem to have those strange stickers you're talking about or shrinkwrap. But I ordered some from The End Records so if they have those stickers I know how to take them off the easy way :)