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  1. Thrymfal

    Hey Everybody...Choose Your New Mod.

    wow, i've been gone for a while. Sorry abut the abscence of your moderator, i've just been so busy with life and work and standup. I really miss the good ole days on this board, but i just don't have the time to be here consistently. Which is why I am stepping down as moderator. You guys...
  2. Thrymfal


    sigh. sorry it took so long.
  3. Thrymfal

    Thrash from Sweden

    needs more fast parts, especially considering you're going for the thrash thing. the old school influence is good though.
  4. Thrymfal

    AA Fan Sean McQuade Inured In VTech Shooting

    I got this in a PM, thought it was postworthy. Hi, my name is Michael DiSanto and I am writing to you because my good friend, and huge fan of Amon Amarth, was seriously injured - shot in the face - in the shooting that took place on April 16th, at Virignia Tech in the USA. Being a close...
  5. Thrymfal

    ..In the vein of.....

  6. Thrymfal

    weird AA question. to those who have met them

    hilarious. do a forum search. this topic is a fanboy favorite.
  7. Thrymfal

    80's memories

    it's one of those lame Steve Vai guitars.
  8. Thrymfal

    "You know you're a viking if...."

    do them like those lame jeff foxworthy jokes everyone loves. "If you get made fun of for not killing might be a Viking"
  9. Thrymfal

    Amon Amarth gear.

    there is a thread called the ted's bass thread. search for it.
  10. Thrymfal

    Own Pictures

  11. Thrymfal

    Olli's leg tattoo

  12. Thrymfal

    Your Myspace profiles

    heh, i didn't write the joke in my sig, but mine are in the same vein.
  13. Thrymfal

    Your Myspace profiles

    Funny enough, i suppose. I'm starting to get paid for it, which is a step in the right direction. Nothing big yet, just a few bucks here and there. It's still more of a hobby though. When i get some bits on video i'll post them.
  14. Thrymfal

    Your Myspace profiles

    I think I'm in AA's top 24 thing. If you want to add me, send me a message telling me you're from the forum. If you guys like standup comedy, i'll have a comedy myspace too, once i get some videos andaudio for it.
  15. Thrymfal

    Egyptian Metal Heads

    welcome. post in current threads dammit.
  16. Thrymfal

    MMA Fight

    what's your style?
  17. Thrymfal

    "Cry of the Black Birds" Video Released!

    if you're offended by humor, I don't want to hear about it. A stupid nine eleven joke is offensive, but Nicholas Cage banking millions to phone in a shitty performance in an exploitative hunk of hollywood bullshit is praise worthy. Oh, this world makes no sense. Now let's end the silliness and...
  18. Thrymfal

    "Cry of the Black Birds" Video Released!

    some people use humor to deal with the more difficult parts of life. W.C. Fields once said there is nothing that is funny that is not also horrible.
  19. Thrymfal

    "Cry of the Black Birds" Video Released!

    vote Doug Stanhope.
  20. Thrymfal

    "Cry of the Black Birds" Video Released!

    nothing is sacred. there is humor in everything.