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    Therion and Devin Townsend gets my vote
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    Any news on how the new album's coming along?? All seems to have gone a bit quiet over the North Sea there ;)
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    OCEANS OF SADNESS (belgium)

    Fantastic news! They were excellent back in... whatever year it was they played last! Shaping up to be an excellent PP :)
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    LEPROUS (norway)
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    LEPROUS (norway)

    Brilliant!!!! Happy bunny already :)
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    Mercenary .. mass exodus Arse! :OMG:
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    PP2010 Wish List

    Oh to hell with it.. here's some more wishes (so much for keeping it short): Darkane.. forgot to add them.. YES PLEASE! Anathema Frost* Unexpect and any of the following from previous years I've seen: Voyager Adagio (or just the bass player will do!) Disillusion (please!) Sun Caged...
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    PP2010 Wish List

    So, we weren't there to hand in our wishlists for next year in person, but here's mine: Devin Townsend (he's been booked for Bloodstock in the UK, but would much rather see him at ProgPower!) Diablo Swing Orchestra (they were amazing in London at the weekend, one of the best live bands I've...
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    Who's coming and where are you staying? 2009

    As it's my final year at university (one heavy-going last year!), like Mark, I won't be able to come either this year :( but, we shall be back next year :D It'll be so weird not being in Baarlo this weekend, not seeing the same friendly faces, not discovering great music, not wandering through...
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    Excellent news! Were great both times we've seen them, so fantastic choice Rene :)
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    guesses, hopes and dreams for the last band

    Amorphis & Devin would be good :kickass:
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    Next band announcement?

    :rock: marvellous!
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    Next band announcement?

    Any idea on when the next band/bands will be announced Rene?
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    Now listening?

    Opeth - Orchid & Morningrise I'd forgotten how much I love these albums, haven't listened to them for far too long!
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    Status Update

    We care a lot! ......<hmm... considers digging out the old Faith No More albums!...>
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    Marvellous :rock: if their performance is as good as it was a Bloodstock this year, then we're all in for a damn good performance :)
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    bands, bands, bands!

    I was just wondering the exact same thing... any news yet Rene??
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    ProgPower 2008 Reviews/Photos on Metal Discovery

    'Tis true, although I haven't heard it used for many years. Maybe in this overly P.C. country we live in, it's one of those phrases that's gradually being lost! Mind you, coming from Lincolnshire (ie, land of the potato farming industry), I haven't heard the term 'spud muncher' for a while either!
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    ProgPower 2008 Reviews/Photos on Metal Discovery

    I actually didn't take any notes for Wolverine as I was far too busy enjoying the music :rock: ! A wise decision I thought :) It would be great to see you all live again soon, so fingers cross for a UK date in the future. Thanks also for your good wishes about my course (its technically...