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  1. ThoughtLeech

    check these guys out! ...and by these guys, i mean, us guys! this is my band. we took a break for a couple years and are coming back in a big way. we spent the last 3 years on and off recording 16 of our songs with our meager...
  2. ThoughtLeech


    haha... not to be a noodge, but should i go on expecting there to be a new spiral architect album at any point in the future? i check this board maybe once a month now with little hopes to see any sort of posting.
  3. ThoughtLeech

    A new band from Hægeland: Son·IC. First song; a cover of Fates Warning's Exodus.

    sounds great as always, Oyvind! it took a few listens to get used to the low guitars after being so familiar with the Fates album version. vocals are superb and you're right, there's truly no duplicating John Arch! Diary of a Madman sounds great too!
  4. ThoughtLeech


    i'm guessing that in order to get inspiration for their next album, the band relocated to proxima centauri and thus it takes a few years for our messages to reach them, and a few more for theirs to come back. seems like the most logical explanation.
  5. ThoughtLeech

    I need bands like Spiral Architect!!

    don't know if anyone still checks these boards, but.... i've seen it on here before, but Tesseract's One is my favorite album right now (though this changes constantly). not too thrilled about their new singer though. i have the new EP and only gave it a once through so far.... hopefully it...
  6. ThoughtLeech


    it's about time for my bi-annual check in. Asgeir, ICS Vortex's Storm Seeker sounds great, but how's Spiral Architect doing?
  7. ThoughtLeech


    woo! news! :rolleyes:
  8. ThoughtLeech


    hey guys? i think your website's busted... :err:
  9. ThoughtLeech


    spiral architect? what is that? that a band??? i seem to recall something of them a long long time ago now that you mention it. haha no seriously. you guys rock. and we'll wait til the end of time, but hopefully it won't take that long.
  10. ThoughtLeech

    Spiral Architect live 1. October 2010

    yeah... i'm pretty sure they are doing something. just not spiral architect! ha! Is it better to have heard an amazing record which raises the bar and never hear another again? or is it better that the record was never made? you'll go through various stages of SA withdrawal, ElephantTalk...
  11. ThoughtLeech

    Spiral Architect live 1. October 2010

    hmmm.... i don't know if i can swing plans for norway in two weeks. will they be recorded and uploaded ('cause that would kick ass and we'd all love you for it!) and i guess the BIG 1 billion kroner question is: ARE THESE THREE NEW SONGS BEING PLAYED?!!!
  12. ThoughtLeech

    bass cover

    sounds incredible... transcription of notes sounds dead-on. if i was being really picky i would say that timing issues mar it some, but i shouldn't talk, 'cause that's far better than i would be able to play it. it's a minor issue in only a few spots too. excellent job on the tone! i lack...
  13. ThoughtLeech

    New Watchtower song posted online

    figure you guys would want to check this out if you haven't already: Watchtower Myspace i like it a lot. most palatable of all jarzombek's stuff i think (don't get me wrong, i love spastic ink and blotted science). never really cared for watchtower though.... probably due to the vocalists.
  14. ThoughtLeech

    Philosophy test

    1. Jean-Paul Sartre (100%) 2. Jeremy Bentham (71%) 3. Spinoza (70%) 4. Kant (59%) 5. Stoics (50%) 6. Aquinas (49%) 7. Thomas Hobbes (49%) 8. Prescriptivism (46%) 9. Epicureans (46%) 10. John Stuart Mill (45%) 11. Ayn Rand (40%) 12. Nel Noddings...
  15. ThoughtLeech


    "It is known that is not good to leave a band in stand by for too long especially if we are talking about a main project. The fact is that you guys appear so busy with your side projects..." you assume that Spiral Architect is their main band (or main focus in life, for that matter... i'm...
  16. ThoughtLeech

    Would Spiral Architect tour if...

    sorry guys, it's been a while. what's this i hear about a Spiral Architect, Cynic, Fates Warning (feat. Arch) tour? :lol: i could actually die happy after such a show.
  17. ThoughtLeech

    Seen any good concerts lately?

    actually Zappa plays Zappa reminds me of the Progressive Nation tour as well. don't much care for dream theater anymore (believe it or not, they got old), but i've been waiting a LONG time to see Pain of Salvation. unfortunately it looks to be a long drive to see them.
  18. ThoughtLeech

    Seen any good concerts lately?

    well the cynic set was superb albeit short. they played about a half-hour here as well. but they were tight. sounded incredible. would definitely love to see them in a headlining set though. let's see.... what's next on my itinerary: Yes with Asia ooh.... and Kings X with Porcupine...
  19. ThoughtLeech

    Seen any good concerts lately?

    i just don't believe it. i'm going to see Cynic tomorrow! ohhhhh it will be a great concert indeed!