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  1. S


    Any of you manage to get up to the mainland to see Slayer? I managed to run into Jesse Walker but that's about it. The entire Reign in Blood album being the highlight...I don't think the show could've been better except they didn't play Chemical Warfare or Seasons. Lombardo was better than I...
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    Metal Scene Support

    Just an idea, but instead of a 8 or 9 band show once a month or more, have 1 show with 3 bands MAX every week. You could organize it quite well on the board here, or on the Legion website. Bands that want to do that would have a rep from each band put down when they want to play and other bands...
  3. S

    Whats band in St.John's Do you want too see at a Show?

    I wanna hear what Ember's Fade is all about. The guys back home say they're a decent metal band.
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    Nf metal legion Chmr Show for this Friday only Cancelled.

    A very very low one. :lol: All kidding aside, 93.5 if I remember correctly.
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    Bucket Truck sucks

    Has BT supported local metal? If they set up a bunch of heavy shows when they were based here, I may have a different opinion about them, but the fact is they play music that's not metal and they were never affiliated with the metal scene as long as I can remember. I can have an opinion if a...
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    Attn: Guitarists

    "Have the ability to play chords that require more than two fingers and understand timing changes well? " You dare ask this question on this board? :lol:
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    Attn Slag if you want a recording done for a website let us know?

    Email me your phone number and I'll give you a call tonight when long distance is free. Also include what kind of recording gear you guys use and what kind of a site you want (pictures, etc. if you want)
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    Attn Slag if you want a recording done for a website let us know?

    You up for this or what? It's 4th quarter here in the business world and my spare time is limited. :lol:
  9. S

    Bucket Truck sucks

    Who really wants to talk about them here? This is a metal board. Plus, even with them going in a "harder" direction (which is a good idea by the way), they are not a metal band. What defines a metal band? Personally, I think that you have to have fast double kick in at least one song. You...
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    Hearing Loss

    Whaaaa? Sorry I couldn't hear the question. I'm deaf as a doornail actually.
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    Looking for Band to play all ages Show at Huge Venue

    I'll be back in December and we may play a show. If you're interested in us playing that is. BTW, you never returned my email. haha
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    This scene needs to get bigger

    A wide audience is better than a very small one. A small one could eventually get bored with a genre. With a wide crowd at least people have a new opportunity to hear different stuff and walk away a fan.
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    Anti-Oberon e-mail...whatever.

    I wouldn't worry about what other people say about your band. At least they ARE talking about Oberon. Any attention is better than no attention in my opinion.
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    IMPORTANT message for bands playing the Halloween gig at McMurdo's!!

    Just a suggestion, but why would you break down Noel's kit after Excorsist, set up and soundcheck a new kit for Embers Fade & CommonName, then set up Noel's kit again? If you're looking for 15 mins setup time to do that, it ain't going to happen. The 2nd and 4th bands will be fucked for time.
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    Noel, how about this?

    Instead of money, how about you and I come up with some sort of arrangement? You're looking for a website, and I can come up with a badass site for you guys. We're looking for some recording time. If you want to give us some time, we'll supply the engineer I think, I'll whip up a kick ass...
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    New Asphyxiation Full length

    Email me at if you'd like to talk prices. I'd imagine we could come up with a reasonable arrangement. :)
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    New Asphyxiation Full length

    You know, you guys need a professional website done. hint hint :D
  18. S

    Rapid Burial Permenatey Buried!

    Sorry to hear it Jesse. You guys were a great band and great guys to drink with. I never got a chance to pick up a cd from you before I left though. I was loaded at the Hall when I saw you last and I was just leaving. All I remember is playing a very bad last show (loaded), turning my guitar off...
  19. S

    Who's playing the Peace A Chord?

    The PAC wasn't fond of us ever since we allegedly caused a scene onstage where we shit on the committee and the PAC back in 1997. That's what they told us anyway. No truth to that, mind you. How do you cause a scene at 3pm with 20 people there in front of the stage. haha We did that AFTER...
  20. S

    Who's playing the Peace A Chord?

    Jesse, do you know if we were accepted to play or not? I'm kinda curious if we were turned down for like the 5th time. haha It would be just my luck the year we can play is the year that I leave the fucking province. :lol: Yeah the PAC should be a little more well thought out. Been...