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  1. Thrashard925

    Photos from Clash of the Titans show 1991

    Amazing closeup shots. I forget why I missed this show, maybe it was sold out. I did however get to see the band doing local visits before the show. Slayer and Megadeth was at Tower Records in NYC and Anthrax was at Tower Records in Paramus NJ. Anthrax was doing meet n' greet with...
  2. Thrashard925

    Great interview with Greg Walls - link

    I found another video, Greg is pretty funny. I met Scott once and it was kind of awkward moment and kinda blew me off. Kinda funny though, it was at S.O.D. show at Maxwells in Hoboken NJ, this was like the very early days of the internet, and someone gave me their information for me to give...
  3. Thrashard925

    Great interview with Greg Walls - link

    Greg posted another video. I totally believe it. Billy Milano had some nickname for Scott, and called him J#+cifer back in early 2000. I'll leave it censored, but pretty sure Billy's rants and exact uncensored phrase is still in the other forum here for Billy Milano
  4. Thrashard925

    Great interview with Greg Walls - link

    I've been out of the loop for long time and just reading this now. Greg Walls is still active doing guitar stuff part time but really sucks Dan Lilker is stuck in the middle of this as well.
  5. Thrashard925

    Questions about Anthrax b-sides

    I forgot this forum still exists and came across this post on Google looking for info for Bud E. Lovebomb And Satan's Lounge Band Was Billy Milano involved with this ? I bet people did not know, but Anthrax actually performed at least 2 times under this name in New York. I might have the...
  6. Thrashard925

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I can't believe Testament is suckering up to the Corporate Beast. Mandalay Bay charges for Parking and require Boosters and BS shots to view concert ? Shame on you all
  7. Thrashard925

    Petition to Have Charlie Removed from the band ASAP

    This line-up will be the modern day Led Zeppelin of Thrash Metal !!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Thrashard925

    Petition to Have Charlie Removed from the band ASAP

    Since Charlie is related Frank they both leave. Dave Lombardo will fill the spot and Dan Lilker and Dan Spitz return ?
  9. Thrashard925

    Petition to Have Charlie Removed from the band ASAP

    Charlie can take his artwork and leave the band. As far as I am concerned, Dan Spitz was in Anthrax and recorded 2 Demos with Anthrax before Charlie was even in the band !!! Attached picture is Demo #2 and it appears a 3rd Demo was recorded with Greg right before Soldiers of Metal demo.
  10. Thrashard925

    30th Anniversary edition of Spreading the Disease coming!!!!

    This is really something special for the fans !!! This is beyond anything I would ever expect. No possible physics on earth and has to be physics from Outer Space somewhere. Almost like Leave it to Beaver family turns to the slime white trash family of Married with Children family. Wasnt...
  11. Thrashard925

    30th Anniversary edition of Spreading the Disease coming!!!!

    Bring The Noise, Beoich...haha
  12. Thrashard925

    30th Anniversary edition of Spreading the Disease coming!!!!

    Yea who cares... There is a difference between a direct threat and wishing someone dead. I seriously wish Scott and Charlie took that bullet instead of Dimebag. Scott and Charlie are lower than scum
  13. Thrashard925

    30th Anniversary edition of Spreading the Disease coming!!!!

    If Dan Spitz is cut out of the photo's I'll just Download the FLAC elsewhere, and my payment will be a few sheets of toilet paper that was wiped from my rear and will mail it off to Megaforce
  14. Thrashard925

    Same old Anthrax same old setlist

    Scott and Charlie have zero talent. They are better off putting cardboard cutouts on stage, I've said it time and time again. Real musicians are graded how well they perform in concert. Obviously if Scott had any guitar talent, he's only the Rhythm and admitted he can't play or construct...
  15. Thrashard925

    New Anthrax for free on iTunes (US only)

    Sorry, Guitar Solo sucks. Anthrax is DragonForce now with that Emo fag playing Scott and Charlie make me sick and are both total disgraces. I actually drove from Las Vegas to California to catch Iron Maiden, Anthrax, Testament and Overkill. I was so upset, angry and thoroughly disgusted...
  16. Thrashard925

    Hellfest 2015

    That's pretty sad and pathetic USA does not get good show. Annihilator has boycotted playing in USA for like a good 20+ years. Some big changes may be coming soon in next year or so. In Las Vegas they are building a major Concert arena and festival ground downtown. The Rock In Rio...
  17. Thrashard925

    90's Rock thread

    I loved Candlebox. Also love Filter and Stabbing Westward.
  18. Thrashard925

    Frankie: New Album is "thrashier"

    Metallica's Kirk Hammett Is 'Tickled' About Contributing to New Exodus Album >
  19. Thrashard925

    Frankie: New Album is "thrashier"

    Scott said the same thing 1 or 2 albums ago and was not really that Thrashy. We'll see, Kirk Hammett and new Exodus is pure Thrash right there :rock:
  20. Thrashard925

    Former Anthrax singer claims he almost joined Metallica...

    Don't forget Dan Nelson was in the band, even if it was for a short time. Fistful is a classic album and gotta respect the roots. Anthrax would have never been what they are and Dan Lilker is responsible for the crunchy core sound.