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  1. K of London

    Bloodstock is tonight!

    2000 is the maximum capacity as far as i know/ it was nice to meet who ever i met off this forum, but to be honest i can't remember which user names i;ve met, i only remember faces and real names. Anyway, i think that meet up after the show had ended was the most fun part of the weekend for me
  2. K of London

    Bloodstock is tonight!

    2000 is the maximum capacity as fae as i know/ it was nice to meet who ever i met off this forum, but to be honest i can't remember which user names i;ve met, i only remember faces and real names. Anyway, i think that meet up after the show had ended was the most fun part of the weekend for me
  3. K of London

    Alexi will have a Guitar World colum

    yes you can buy it in england, ive done so a couple of times over the years in the larger wh smiths.,and its around £3
  4. K of London


    id get a noisegate too
  5. K of London

    Your guitars, fx, amps

    ibanez rg prestige customised guitar mesa boogie triple rectifier 3 channel head and now a mesa 2x12 cab next week i also own a gibson les paul which i dont use, a pod which i practice and record with, and a little practice amp by fender
  6. K of London

    guitar pro

    you import the midi file to a new project
  7. K of London

    Battleheart VS MOFO!

    i have come to kick both these bands away, with londons finest,%20to%20homosexualise%20battleheart/
  8. K of London

    how do you go about staining your frets?

    thankyou, yes it is rosewood, im getting another ibanez rg570 as a 2nd guitar but i want to change its appearance. Bryant: do i have to sand the frets a little first?
  9. K of London

    how do you go about staining your frets?

    hi, i want to darken my frets from dark brown to a more black colour. Ive guessed to do this id need to use woodstain, and perhaps some laquer. can someone here give me a proper answer? and if i have sharkfins on the fretboard, should these be protected from the stainer or will it not affect...
  10. K of London

    My Amp. . .FINISHED

    yeah i thought it might have been that. i think im gonna get a marshall cab now, yours sounds fine to me, so i'll keep my extra £700 and not get the mesa cab hehe
  11. K of London

    My Amp. . .FINISHED

    sounds good to me, i want a cab like that, i used to have a similar set up to you, a pod pro and a mesa 50/50 power amp anyway, it sounded great, but since i use one distortion and one clean sound, i decided i didnt need all these extras, and sold it all to get a mesa triple rectifier 3 channel...
  12. K of London

    My AVT275 Died...Help needled

    man, i really have no idea, i dont even know if you have one, i just know it was a re-occuring problem with the 5150 head my old band mate had did you call marshall's support line?
  13. K of London

    Gaining a better voice

    you're saying you sing one note when trying to sing along with a song? like reading out the lyrics? if thats the case, i guess you can try singing the notes of a tune and leaving out the words
  14. K of London

    My AVT275 Died...Help needled

    i have no idea what a marshall AVT has inside, but i remember a guy who was in one of my bands before had a peavey 5150 head, and the transformers used to die all the time, maybe it the same thing? just a guess
  15. K of London

    My trip to Helsinki

    haha, cool! id also like to add that i love your new album!
  16. K of London

    Marshall Powerbrake

    an alternative is to remove some of the power tubes from the amp. For example, I have my Mesa boogie triple rectifier, which has 6x6l6 tubes, and to reduce the power from 150 watts to 50 watts, i remove 4 of those tubes. If its still too loud then maybe try something like the powerbrake/...
  17. K of London

    We played Silent Night Bodom Night... check it

    thanks, that was fucking funny
  18. K of London

    Listen to the fucking song!

    you guys definately have something good going for you, i can say you're better than pretty much all the UK bands trying to do melodic death metal at the moment. in London there are about 30 bands who try to sound like the haunted. btw - how is that universe guitar to play? ive never tried...
  19. K of London

    Listen to the fucking song!

    thats not at all bad for a demo man, guitar sound is pretty good, vocals are recorded well, don't like the drum sound though, but its definately nice to see a band put some effort into recording their demo! the song is pretty catchy, although i didn't find it to be original, sounds like older...