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  1. V.V.V.V.V.

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    This thread is fucking FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX PAGES LONG? Jesus. Hey guys, just popping in to say that Slam-Minded is back up and running. I have a few new reviews up and would love to see fans (old and new) start checking it out again. Cheers, brutal fucks.
  2. V.V.V.V.V.


    Richard, I liked your post only because that comment and gif in collaboration were fucking hilarious. Otherwise, if you're gonna buy cool beer, we want to hear your impressions! I think I speak for everyone when I say that in this thread we don't judge taste (too harshly, anyway :p), so if you...
  3. 12294843_10153056687041887_4575742841215285169_n


  4. V.V.V.V.V.

    Maryland Deathfest XIV: May 26-29, 2016

    So, I'm going to be looking into coming down with Dan and another friend this year, though I will only be buying tickets to several days of the event in order to save some $, though the $ I save will likely go to beer (duh). This other friend of mine has been a buddy since middle school who I...
  5. V.V.V.V.V.


    I think Habanero Sculpin is just the right amount of spicy. On the topic of spicy beers, I attended a Founders tap takeover a few weeks ago and got a bunch of great stuff (KBS and CBS full-pours included!), but one that definitely stood out to me was BLiS Blast. It's All Day IPA aged in bourbon...
  6. V.V.V.V.V.

    Whiskey, Bourbon, Scotch

    Bought a bottle of Jameson Caskmates today. Apparently, the story goes that a small brewery from Ireland aged one of their stouts in Jameson casks, and then Jameson asked for the casks back after the beer was emptied from them in order to refill them with, well, Jameson. It's awesome.
  7. V.V.V.V.V.


    Yeah, I definitely swing that way at times too, but sometimes you just want to make something nuts.
  8. V.V.V.V.V.


    So, it's been a while since I updated on what's going on with homebrew stuff. I think last time I checked in here, we were putting together a bourbon barrel-fermented black gose. Despite having very little idea of what we were doing other than what we wanted it to end up being, it came out very...
  9. V.V.V.V.V.


    I agree. Saranac's version is one of the best, weirdly, however. They're not really known for good beer in general so that amuses me. Actually, speaking of Blue Moon, theirs wasn't bad either. Pretty enjoyable. Most of the ones made by better breweries tend to lose sight of the IPA...
  10. V.V.V.V.V.

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Just pre-ordered the new Hymenotomy... that preview track was the fucking tits. Also, picked up a copy of Putridity's new one yesterday. It's an absolutely brutal assault, as expected.
  11. V.V.V.V.V.

    hilariously awful album cover art

    That Monstrosity one always cracks me up. He's just getting that guy so fucking good, and in a church... must be embarrassing for the dude. The cover of Millennium is horrendous, too. What the fuck is that even supposed to be?! Here's my submission... why was this made? Dear god.
  12. V.V.V.V.V.


    Damn, I'm really jealous. Wish I could participate! Jenn, I can't wait to pick up some of that, but I haven't seen it around in MA yet. Sounds very good.
  13. V.V.V.V.V.


    Spending the night at my homebrew buddy's house and brewing a grisette tomorrow, to be eventually aged in a bourbon barrel with lacto and a newly-introduced Brett culture (probably an Omega Labs one)! Should be fun stuff. Tonight, we split a bunch of stuff... Kent Falls Shower Beer, a gose with...
  14. V.V.V.V.V.


    I actually love Hanssens' Oude Kriek the most I think.
  15. V.V.V.V.V.

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Yeah that guy's art is fucking dumb. The Hymenotomy song is killer though.
  16. V.V.V.V.V.


    Damn, sounds awesome. btw Koger I agree that Cantillon kriek is just okay. Not sure what it was, but something about it wasn't doing it for me.
  17. V.V.V.V.V.


    They sometimes charge boutique prices, particularly at their locations closer to fancier areas, but mine is very reasonably priced for the location it's in, and I'm decent buddies with the guys who work there, and they're always happy to talk beer with me so I'd consider it a fair trade anyway...
  18. V.V.V.V.V.


    Somehow a franchise craft beer chain (Craft Beer Cellar) around here acquired a bunch of Modern Times stuff in a recent delivery, so I snagged a couple of each of their five beers and will post some reviews and whatnot later on. Think I'll try to go back and get some more also!
  19. V.V.V.V.V.


    Kaiser is solid... I love Avery's limited stuff and the Imperial series, yeah... still holding onto a 12 oz of Five Monks (19.4% BBA quad!) probably until a cold night in the upcoming few months.
  20. V.V.V.V.V.


    Sucaba is easily a top ten beer of all time for me. Perfection.