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  1. powermetalchick

    Very off topic but

    ah man it's just the sweetest thing I've tasted it's based on an old style root beer. available in egnland
  2. powermetalchick

    Very off topic but

    sorry to jump in guys but I think you will find coke and pepsi are both fine drinks but when it come to real thirst quenching fineness there can be only "DANDELION AND BURDOCK":rock:
  3. powermetalchick


    Hello again everyone. It's good to be back after a long time away. Now I shall try to be a better poster. I would like to ask if anyone knows where I can download Some of cerebus's material from the 80's things like "Mouth F**ker" and "too late to pray"? if anyone does it would be greatly...
  4. powermetalchick

    Say something nice about the previous person game

    ^ was a cool charachter in Buffy
  5. powermetalchick

    Say something nice about the previous person game

    ^pretty little angeleyes
  6. powermetalchick

    Say something nice about the previous person game

    ^ is so kind to help out other UMers like that
  7. powermetalchick

    What is the worst thing someone ever said to you?

    I don't love you, nobody loves you: you're just a horrible little child That was my mum when I was 10 nices EHH??!!
  8. powermetalchick

    Post a random fact about yourself

    I find swinging on a big rubber tyre, hanging from a tree, making stupid faces and scratching my arse far more productive than posting crap on websites but still do more posting than swinging, but hey thats life for an orangutang.
  9. powermetalchick

    3 word story

    fucking annoying everyone
  10. powermetalchick

    Post a random fact about yourself

    Metal is the new silk: sleep in it.
  11. powermetalchick

    Post a random fact about yourself

    get well soon. Try accupunture or massage. Fact: Being ginger ain't so bad after all
  12. powermetalchick

    Post a random fact about yourself

    Have you tried closing your window at night or sleeping on your otherside. or if you play guitar just take more pain killers RSI can be a problem
  13. powermetalchick

    Please stop!

    KISS your bum grapes away. LOL
  14. powermetalchick

    The COCK thread

    Wanger Bell End Knob
  15. powermetalchick

    3 word story

    to play with
  16. powermetalchick

    BRAZILIAN showing America how it's done listen to this loon and listen to him play links in my signature I knew I was onto a good thing.
  17. powermetalchick

    Post a random fact about yourself

    fact: I'm am also happy with my signature and it shall remain the same until everyone has listened to the tracks at the end of it cause I like imposing my musical tastes on everyone. :cool:
  18. powermetalchick

    Post a random fact about yourself

    My girlfriend dropped my rabbit and now it doesn't work :sad:
  19. powermetalchick

    Post a random fact about yourself

    My favourite dildo is 12 inces long and 5 inches round. My favourite vibrator is a rabbit.
  20. powermetalchick

    Welcome to UM

    Just playing "bump the oldest thread" Don't mind me!