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  1. Samurai Sweetie

  2. Samurai Sweetie


    NP: Power Quest - The Longest Night
  3. Samurai Sweetie

    Recording Commences

    Awesome news guys, keep us posted! :)
  4. Samurai Sweetie

    WTF was that all about? :-?
  5. Samurai Sweetie

    Happy Birthday Cellador (Chris)!

    Happy Birthday!, hope it was a good one. :)
  6. Samurai Sweetie

    Latest CD you bought...

    Got my copy of 'Arthemis - Back From The Heat' yesterday from Japan. :rock:
  7. Samurai Sweetie

    Power Quest Special on ARFM download now!

    I have to work that day :(, can someone record it?
  8. Samurai Sweetie

    Alliance Radio

    No problem Steve 8), they play a good rotation of lots of great Bands, like Power Quest, INTENSE, Stratovarius, Dragonland, DragonForce, Lost Horizon, ManOwaR, Kamelot, and many others, the DJ's are very knowledgeable about Metal and are always willing to play new stuff, no commercials, just...
  9. Samurai Sweetie

    Recording Commences

    Awesome news!
  10. Samurai Sweetie

    Now Playing

    NP: Kamelot - This Pain
  11. Samurai Sweetie


    NP: Kamelot - This Pain
  12. Samurai Sweetie

    Happy Birthday Alessio

    Happy Birthday Alessio! I hope it was a good one. :)
  13. Samurai Sweetie


    Heya Lub. :)
  14. Samurai Sweetie

    More Merch!

    Funny you say that, Steve and I were talking earlier about that. :p "Power Quest Condoms, when you need a little more power in your quest!" :tickled:
  15. Samurai Sweetie

    Mercury Rain on Metal Charity CD!!

    I'm going to borrow a CC and order mine. :)
  16. Samurai Sweetie

    Intense on Metal Charity CD!

    Cheers! :)
  17. Samurai Sweetie

    Busy Busy Busy

    I'm sure it'll be more than worthwhile. :)
  18. Samurai Sweetie

    More Merch!

    Posters, Stickers, Buttons and T-Shirts are always a staple of merchandise. Headbands/Bandanas would be kinda cool to see. :)
  19. Samurai Sweetie

    Latest CD you bought...

    The latest CD I bought was 'Arthemis - Back From The Heat', I pre-ordered it from Japan.
  20. Samurai Sweetie

    More Merch!

    Power Quest Thongs would be cool. :D