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  1. Lord_Of_This_World

    top 5?

  2. Lord_Of_This_World

    top 5?

    I got that Karl Sanders one ages ago but never listened to it.Is it good?
  3. Lord_Of_This_World


    Yeah,they also made me fart and follow through once after I'd been drinking cans of draught Guinness all day. Fuckers.
  4. Lord_Of_This_World


    Yeah,they made me stick my finger in my eye after chopping the chillis.
  5. Lord_Of_This_World


    I did something similar after chopping red chillis.
  6. Lord_Of_This_World

    top 5?

    Queen-A night at the opera
  7. Lord_Of_This_World

    top 5?

    I want to buy a picture of a clown shitting onto a violin.
  8. Lord_Of_This_World

    top 5?

    I had sausage and egg on toast from barnabys on clarence street this morning.It was nice.
  9. Lord_Of_This_World

    baby born with 4 legs

    I don't get that.
  10. Lord_Of_This_World

    baby born with 4 legs

    I know,looks dead realistic doesn't it?
  11. Lord_Of_This_World

    baby born with 4 legs

    Yeah,all the years you've known me and the hundreds of lengthy conversations we've had allow you to have an opinion on my personality.
  12. Lord_Of_This_World

    message for Mick Moss

    Ha ha you just reminded me of the time Mr T was going to appear at the Empire theatre in Liverpool and I heard these two kids talking about him on the top of the 19 ( I used to sit on the top deck in those days) and I heard one say to the other :"Mr T is on here soon".His mate said "Is he yeah?"...
  13. Lord_Of_This_World

    message for Mick Moss

    I really don't mean to be rude but it's a bit like asking a surgeon for an opinion when you've slit your wrists with a stanley knife.
  14. Lord_Of_This_World


    Yes.It's also why I got my first aid certificate taken off me.
  15. Lord_Of_This_World

    baby born with 4 legs

    He can ride a tandem all on his own.
  16. Lord_Of_This_World

    baby born with 4 legs

    Let's make this the deformities thread:
  17. Lord_Of_This_World

    baby born with 4 legs

    Fucking hell,poor little fucker.Imagine kicking youself in the bollocks.
  18. Lord_Of_This_World

    top 5?

    Queen-sheer heart attack. The Meters-Look ka py py
  19. Lord_Of_This_World


    Yes.Like a binbag blowing in the wind.