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  1. serenesorrow

    At the Gates tour

    Never thought I'd ever see them in my lifetime. Was fucking awesome!
  2. serenesorrow

    Miscellaneous movie thread

    Oldboy is unreal! Have you seen the others in the trilogy - Sympathy for Mr Vengeance (first) and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (third - with cameos from the main actors throughout the series!)? The first one is great! Absolutely loving Korean movies, food, booze and women these days. Some...
  3. serenesorrow

    I knew it...

    I would vote for Koich. I miss him. I used to come to UM more often to see him cut people down with sheer wit, at times unbeknownst to the them. Thank You.
  4. serenesorrow

    Word Association Game.

  5. serenesorrow

    Mobile plans

    We've broken up before and obviously haven't done it right (still being together and all). So this time we're going to do it properly, with a bit of preparation. The final decision also will be weighted on the fact I might be moving to QLD for a job opportunity later in the year EDIT: Is it...
  6. serenesorrow

    Mobile plans

    I'm on a dual plan with the missus on Optus... we both have the same phone and get 5 minute free calls to each other. It costs us about $20 a month each... and we got $20 worth of call credit. You get other assorted options and I chose 100 free text messages per month. There's also some zany...
  7. serenesorrow

    Attn: Salty

    Did the penile illustration ever eventuate?
  8. serenesorrow

    Australia's Favourite Album

    They got them all wrong.
  9. serenesorrow

    Now Playing Thread

    Psycroptic - Carnival Of Vulgarity
  10. serenesorrow

    Fav Song?

    Shit - hard decision. I'll go with Absolution. Just the atmosphere of it was awesome back when I first heard it in the car... and that's just stuck with me. But that's followed closely by Ithaka and Legions. My ringtone for ages now has been Silence Calls the Storm. The opening growl = best...
  11. serenesorrow would like to welcome Quo Vadis!

    Yes - definitely one of my favourite bands of all time. Was just scrolling down and it caught my eye. Fucking awesome!
  12. serenesorrow

    Are you into this band ???

    +1 at Haups I thought it was ok at first, although it just had no replay value. I'm talking about Blood Mountain here. My band did use Leviathan as a reference CD for how we wanted to sound when we did a small recording. Although that was mainly tone/production... we sound nothing like them.
  13. serenesorrow

    Awesome Aussie review with photos & video

    Don't go by this guy's comments on Transcending Mortality - they're a great band. And I am saying that as someone who is not a fan of the genre.
  14. serenesorrow


    I now work for a company that specialises in VOIP for businesses. I can't really offer any insight into it though, hahah. I don't have it at home. Haven't had any problems at work with it - although I've heard the quality can suffer at times. The worst complaint I've had is a bit of lag when...
  15. serenesorrow

    Seem's we have about 1000 Puma's in Australia

    Anyone named Terry is full of shit in regards to this subject.
  16. serenesorrow


    That's all that needed to be said. I'll be giving it a miss.
  17. serenesorrow

    lol i cant understand

    Oriental violin is what keeps me going in life.
  18. serenesorrow

    Aussie dates announced

    Hi, I am from Australia.