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  1. B

    Guillotine tour dates!

    Hey guys, this is Eric from Guillotine, check out our forums in the Indie section. Anyways, I just want to let everyone know were doing a little touring, so check out the dates at our 2 websites and see if we're coming to your area, thanks!
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    Happy Birthday bige2118

    Why thank you, unfortunately I still have to wait another year for the big one ;)
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    OK everyone, its official...Guillotine is back together! Our style is now slightly changed since you last heard (a new demo is soon to be recorded)) and it is currently a three piece band. We have tons of live shows booked, so check those out and come to support us, we will put links where you...
  4. B

    You guys are fucking excellent!

    Glad you enjoyed the demo, and you will be hearing more from us in the next coming months. I wont really divulge any details as of now, but you will be hearing newer and better Guillotine before spring, so stay tuned!
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    Q&A Thread - Ask the band members a question!

    Yeah, we could do that. Let us know of any dates and venues where you wanna put stuff together, and we'll be there! Thanks!
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    Q&A Thread - Ask the band members a question!

    We could possibly do that, just contact What dates are we looking at, and where??
  7. B

    Keep Rocking

    Haha, dont worry about that at all, in fact you are probably correct!! Anyways, were glad you enjoyed the demo, and hopefully we can get some newer, better stuff for you to hear soon. Thanks, and keep rockin!!
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    Q&A Thread - Ask the band members a question!

    Haha, it is quite lonely. Ah well, whatcha gonna do?
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    Q&A Thread - Ask the band members a question!

    Eh, no problem with us really. Either way, we were here before it was cool!!!
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    Where do I begin?

    Yeah that part isn't cool at all, but it has to be done. It's funny though, we felt like we did great, yet the response hasn't been very good, not as good as before when we had growl vocals and were worse as a band. Perhaps because of the style contrast of Therion and the rest of the bands and us?
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    Where do I begin?

    It was really awesome, we had a great time. I met and befriend the lead guitarist from Therion, Kris. He's an awesome guy. We played a great show, and had a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us!!
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    Where do I begin?

    If I had to guess 20 or 25. Reason I can't give an exact amount is because I got a call from Jaxx's owner asking for $500 of the $1250 a couple weeks ago, apparently he needed extra cash to pay bills or something. A little unprofessional if you ask me, but whatever. Also, were not selling them...
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    Where do I begin?

    Well, MetalAges makes a good point, so I'll start that off here. Basically our biggest dilemma now is our upcoming Jaxx show (on Friday!!!). The show should be awesome, but ticket sales are a hard thing for a band to do, especially when tickets are expensive, and the main headliner isnt too...
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    This forum...

    A forum for a new up and coming band. Check it out at!
  15. B

    Q&A Thread - Ask the band members a question!

    Yeah, I know all those bands, and it seems like you like stuff a little heavy, so heres some good heavier bands, with harsh vocals and such: Children of Bodom (Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper mainly), Kalmah, Arch Enemy, etc. For more power metal stuff, I would suggest the basics such as Iron...
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    Q&A Thread - Ask the band members a question!

    Thanks for your comments! As far as the material from the old demos goes, we use some and don't use others. Berserker, for example, was on the old demos and just redone now. We still do What Lies Beyond and Black Death from the old stuff, but unfortunately the rest, like Through the Fire, Off...
  17. B

    This forum...

    Another good idea, I should do that. We'll see if my laziness allows me, however.
  18. B

    Q&A Thread - Ask the band members a question!

    Hmm...I'm not really sure to be honest with you, I could mainly only recommend signed bands and stuff like that to you. There is some good local talent, if you want power metal Engage comes to mind, but other than that I'm not really sure. Even though I'm in the local scene, I have a hard time...
  19. B

    This forum...

    Hehe, no way, we appreciate all your help man, thanks!