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  1. DiscipleOfThePit


    That's fucked up! I mean, I love sick comedy and but that's just not on.
  2. DiscipleOfThePit

    John Bush sings Gung-Ho

    Yeah, I'm sure they played it at the Barras in 2003.
  3. DiscipleOfThePit

    Slayer`s "Christs Illusion" leaked.............

    Christ Illusion sucks hairy dog buns! I was blown away by the first two tracks and was all like, 'YASS! This is the best thing they've done since Seasons!'. Then I proceeded to listen to the rest of the album... Boring and riff-less, just like Slayer really.
  4. DiscipleOfThePit


    Beneath the Remains is the best.
  5. DiscipleOfThePit

    for kitty lovers!

    78 years old.
  6. DiscipleOfThePit

    Armored Saint in Glasgow whos going...

    I really can't afford to go to this, I had to hand over £500 for a deposit on a flat on Tuesday and have to pay rent tomorrow.
  7. DiscipleOfThePit

    TestAment - Live in London

    I was there, it was almost worth sleeping on a pool table at Luton airport for.
  8. DiscipleOfThePit

    Exodus- 5/11/2006 Live Review with pics

    Fuck The Toxic Waltz, they're playing fucking The Last of Defiance, Brain Dead and Faster Than You'll Ever Be again.
  9. DiscipleOfThePit

    Last night LOST......OMG!!

    Brilliant episode. I love Lost. It gives my life meaning.
  10. DiscipleOfThePit

    Important message from Steve Smyth, 4/30/06

    Dammit. Get well soon Steve!
  11. DiscipleOfThePit

    Glasgow Friday 7th

    Set list (in order): Among the Living Metal Thrashing Mad Got the Time Caught in a Mosh AIR Skeletons in the Closet Antisocial NFL Medusa Indians Be All, End All I'm the Man Aftershock I am the Law Not the best Anthrax gig tonight for various reasons which I might highlight...
  12. DiscipleOfThePit

    hey scott

    If anyone sees a guy in an Onslaught Power From Hell t-shirt, blue jeans and whiter than white trainers with an awful haircut - that's me! :kickass:
  13. DiscipleOfThePit

    hey scott

    Where's the meet & greet?! If it's at the venue I might check it out because I have time to kill.
  14. DiscipleOfThePit

    Glasgow Aftershow??

    God, that walk was HORRENDOUS! I went for a chippy when I got to Blue Lagoon and it was awful too. I couldn't go to the Catty on account of my underage bro being in tow. I'm kind of hoping that there'll be an aftershow this year even although I've got a chuffing essay to write over the...
  15. DiscipleOfThePit

    Glasgow Friday 7th

    Looking forward to this although me and the lads are at the Bolt Thrower gig the night before on account of my mates' band being a support act. At this rate I'll probably not be able to stand for 2 hours though (ill) and will probably be hungover from the night before.
  16. DiscipleOfThePit

    OT Sepultura

    I pride myself on only having heard one post-Max Sepultura album, that being Dante - it's shite!
  17. DiscipleOfThePit


    Get a train to Queen Steet then get the tube from Buchanan Street to Bridge Street - easier!
  18. DiscipleOfThePit


    Screw Rust in Peace, Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?! shall always be their best. Dave hates Metallica because he's a total retard who can't get over getting booted out of a band for being an uncontrollable psycho from Hell. Megadeth are much better than Metallica and about 50% of all Thrash...
  19. DiscipleOfThePit

    Did anyone watch South Park tonight?

    Watching the episode just now - it's HILARIOUS!