Search results

  1. Nefilim

    Guitar Tone Competition IV! ROUND 1

    I actually like 15 the best tonewise. Sure it's very loud over the drums but since it's a tone competition it gets my vote! The others are too flat, too muddy or too sharp and metallic.
  2. Nefilim

    Zombie Destrüktion - Swashbuckling Ninja Death Metal!

    We're finally back after a four-year hiatus! Our new EP "Dead West" is now available for inner-ear dismemberment at Go get audibly ravaged by songs about piñatas, cowboys, beer and ZOMBIES! /Thomas of Zombie Destrüktion
  3. Nefilim

    Zombie Destrüktion - Swashbuckling Ninja Death Metal!

    We're finally back after a four-year hiatus! Our new EP "Dead West" is now available for inner-ear dismemberment at Go get audibly ravaged by songs about piñatas, cowboys, beer and ZOMBIES! /Thomas of Zombie Destrüktion
  4. Nefilim


    We'd like to be on the compilation for this cause with our band Abscession - a band which started here on UM. I made an account on backstagemetal but it hasn't been approved yet, so still waiting for that to happen. Best wishes to Ivan and his daughter.
  5. Nefilim

    Odyssey - Reinventing The Pats available now

    Can we please get a tee that says "Lord K's TITS" on it? I'd buy that.
  6. Nefilim

    Odyssey - Reinventing The Pats available now

    Ok cool, Spotify usually takes longer than iTunes (sometimes waaaay longer) to add music. But hopefully it won't be too long :) I'll order the album from you as well, as soon as I get my paycheck ;)
  7. Nefilim

    Odyssey - Reinventing The Pats available now

    Pats sure could use some reinvention! Anyway, cool that the album is out! When can we find it on spotify?
  8. Nefilim

    Dan introduces the Odyssey album!

    Whoa, I'd buy it for "At the gallows end" alone! My absolute favourite song by Candlemass for sure. Gonna be cool to hear the full version by you guys!
  9. Nefilim

    Odyssey full lenght on vinyl?

    Depends on the cost, but since I got Spotify I never buy CD's anymore. I still buy vinyls though because i prefer them as a physical product. So yeah, a vinyl would be cool, as long as it's not overly expensive.
  10. Nefilim

    Swanö on Spotify

    Haha pretty funny that the title of Hellfuck/Killing Christ" is "Hellfuck/Killing Chris" on spotify :lol: Who the hell is Chris and why are you killing him! :rolleyes:
  11. Nefilim

    ABSCESSION - Old School Death Metal!

    Hey fakkers, just wanted to let you know there's an interview up on Also, we can now be found on iTunes for those of you who want easy digital access to some Dan Swanö/Bloodbath-inspired old school death...
  12. Nefilim

    Abscession - old school death metal!

    Thanks man! Just wanted to let you all know there's an interview up on :) Also, we can now be found on iTunes for those of you who want easy digital access to some Dan Swanö/Bloodbath-inspired old school death...
  13. Nefilim

    Abscession MC release!

    Hey fakkers, just wanted to let you know there's an interview up on :) Also, we can now be found on iTunes for those of you who want easy digital access to some Dan Swanö/Bloodbath-inspired old school death...
  14. Nefilim


    Sorry to plague you again, but I just wanted to let you know there's an interview up on :) Also, we can now be found on iTunes for those of you who want easy digital access to some heavily Dan-inspired old school death!
  15. Nefilim

    Abscession MC release!

    Tumn you american cockface, you should listen to the show when it airs cuz it's in yer cuntry! Yiihaw! The rest of you go check it out on myspazez tomorrow or sth.
  16. Nefilim

    Abscession - old school death metal!

    Abscession will be played on The Asylum Metal Radio tonight! The show starts at around 10:30 p.m. EST. Check out or for more info! Cheerz! ______________
  17. Nefilim

    ABSCESSION - Old School Death Metal!

    Abscession will be played on The Asylum Metal Radio tonight! The show starts at around 10:30 p.m. EST. Check out or for more info! Cheerz! ______________
  18. Nefilim

    Abscession MC release!

    Abscession will be played on The Asylum Metal Radio tonight! The show starts at around 10:30 p.m. EST. Check out or for more info! Cheerz!
  19. Nefilim


    Abscession will be played on The Asylum Metal Radio tonight! The show starts at around 10:30 p.m. EST. Check out or for more info! Cheerz!
  20. Nefilim

    Abscession - old school death metal!

    Now also on youtube: Don't forget to buy the release over at bandcamp: Cheers!