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  1. Child of Time

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    KC: You story made me think of two things; an old man at a home for old people i was working at a few years ago, who was also suffering from dementia, used to imitate a cuckoo's sound, and somehow; a couple of Lovecraft stories, although I right now can't remember the names of the specific...
  2. Child of Time

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    hyena: Not even a bad cold can hide quality. The last few days I've been strangely upset about a seminar that's I have to attend tomorrow. It's concerning my internship (which is almost over btw) and it's actually no big deal; only three hours, about 10 persons attending, and my presentation...
  3. Child of Time

    Varför Nalen? :(

    En liten kommentar bara: Det som snus-Kalle snackar om kallas "urkundsförfalskning" och är inte populärt hos farbror polisen. Straffskalan sträcker sig upp till två års fängelse, även om du antagligen bara skulle få böter om du åkte fast pga...
  4. Child of Time

    Varför Nalen? :(

    Feskprinsen: Jag förstår hur det känns, kompis. Att inte vara myndig är fruktansvärt frustrerande ibland. Även om DT kanske inte bokar fler spelningar i sthlm på kommande turnén så kanske de kommer att spela i närheten nånstans, som...
  5. Child of Time


    Something I think you should see (no screamers or anything like that)
  6. Child of Time

    DT pictures thread

    There are a few pictures here of DT, when they were doing the mighty pirate-gig: Like this one, were Sundin looks cool and Stanne looks drunk.
  7. Child of Time

    all new "NP" thread -

    Bolt Thrower - Tank (Mk I) After being lured into watching part of the ESC this Saturday, I have this urge for plain old-fashioned death metal. To purge the system, I guess.
  8. Child of Time

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Kov: Except for having a bunch of strangers working in your own home, that sound awesome. Just think of it this way: ISP Boss says: "Dammit, Kov's got a problem with his connection. Send our leet engineering task force there immediately! We can't let him down!"
  9. Child of Time

    the USA thread -

    Finally someone said it. Too bad there is no emoticon depicting how I go and hide in a corner, trying to avoid as much conflict as possible. :erk:
  10. Child of Time

    Newbie of the Year - Stage 2: FIGHT!

    Follow my example; vote for a new family structure where your favourite metal band's fans are an important part of your daily life; vote for a man who takes gloomy bathroom photos and posts them on the interweb; vote for the (brave) New World! Vote for afz902k! This sounds terrible. :ill...
  11. Child of Time

    the USA thread -

    One thing I've been thinking of on this subject, is that the decline of the Roman empire started when it stopped expanding and therefore lost access to cheap labour, i.e. slaves. So what would happen to the U.S. if let's say, illegal immigrants would be accepted as U.S. citizens and the minimum...
  12. Child of Time

    The European Union thread

    You have to keep in mind that the EU is a confederation where the member states (MS's) still are sovereign entities. Depending on which policy area we are talking about, the MS's have given up different amounts of their freedom to decide for themselves. For example, regarding environment, most...
  13. Child of Time

    The Latin-America thread

    I'd say you're wrong. One side of the euro coins are national, so I guess we could decide to put our dyslectic head of state on those anyway. And as he even is in the papers every other day, it's not like people won't have the opportunity to see him if our coins would be replaced. I think...
  14. Child of Time

    The Latin-America thread

    I would like you to explain what you mean with this. Do you mean that Germany's economy depends solely on the most influential corporate leaders? In a country with 80 million inhabitants? If this is what you mean, would any other country in the world differ from Germany in this aspect (assuming...
  15. Child of Time

    "New" (2006) Q&A thread

    A: Football, or soccer as some calls it. Q: What are you hoping for?
  16. Child of Time

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    hyena: That's quite a dilemma you have there. I always imagined that faith always would be comfort and support, but I guess that is a way too simplified picture of it. If I would be of the church-going kind, I think I wouldn't have any problems with the "sins" of divorcing and marrying...
  17. Child of Time

    Three wishes

    Awesome. You're giving me an anxiety flash with this. :p
  18. Child of Time

    The threadmill, aka fitness discussion

    A well-fed and well-rested body can of course cope with strain much better than a starved, worn and tired body. Normal effort can cause injuries to muscles that doesn't get enough nutrition and rest.
  19. Child of Time

    The Person Above Me II

    ^Is a nice addition to the board
  20. Child of Time

    all new "NP" thread -

    You really think so? :err: IMO they're sort of an "image band". Much focus on appearance and "ideology", but musicwise i'd give their latest record (haven't heard their older) a 7 out of 10, leaning more towards 6 than towards 8 points. @hyena: Orgasmatron is really a great song, and one of...